
28 weeks .. aaaaaahhhhh?

by Guest67132  |  earlier

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I'll be 29 weeks on Friday and I just want this over with! I am so scared of labor & delivery, terrified to be more exact. But I am so tired of it and I want to meet my baby! :) Did the last weeks go slow for anyone? How can I make it go faster! I have such a hard time keeping busy!




  1. well, it will come and it is very hard (atleast for me), but you get through it and your bundle arrives and it goes by like a blink of an eye. My son is 8 months old. I was thinking how fast it has gone by and then I thought, it felt like years to get to 8 months pregnant. Pregnancy is slow, but I'm pregnant with # 2 and I am 19 weeks and I feel like 5 months is way to close and I need more time. lol.  

  2. wow, you need to cool your heels. you still have another 8-10 weeks. With my first daughter the time flew by. Before I knew it I was in labor with her at 4 in the morning. With my second daughter I was placed in the hospital at 30 weeks and then got to come home to be put on bed rest for the next 6 weeks. With visits twice a week to the doctor. I had low amniotic fluid and so for six weeks I got to be stressed out that my baby was going to die in utero. So, those six weeks dragged on until I heard those blessed words. "We think we're going to induce you" Heaven sent and a blessing as my daughter is I always say her pregnancy was so much effort. Now, I'm pregnant again and I've hit the 23 week mark and couldn't be more excited. I am taking it easy and have decided to enjoy every minute of this one because this is it!

    Don't be scared of delivery. I wasn't at all with my first daughter. She came out in 10 hours with only 5 hours of that actually hard labor, 5 pushes and she came out. But I was terrified to give birth a second time. Don't know why. But honey, things stretch and give to make room. And yes you will feel like you have been run over by a mac truck after wards but it will be so worth it. That first night snuggling with your baby in the hospital bed will put all that pain right behind you. God bless and take a calming bath with some scented candles.

  3. it helps that I'm working like a dog so my weeks are flying past but lately I look at my calender (I have my weeks marked out lol) and its like AHH its only week -- such and such. Have you gotten the baby's room all set up? Organized his/her clothing? Set up your hospital bag, diaper bag? Washed all their clothing? I hung all his 0-6 months clothes up, dollar stores have wonderful baby hangers.

    they seem to go slow from 28-32 weeks then they will fly by again!

    good luck!  


  5. just wait until you start to nest, your weeks will just fly by, trust me. I went to 42 weeks 3 days with my first, I dont think I have ever seen my house so spotless, ever...

  6. what i did is started to look at his things. Fix up the room organized his clothing and it worked now my baby is one month and it feels  like i had him a week ago. Time flys after that!

  7. I'm the same way and I'm 26 weeks. I was that way with my 1st as well. Once I got to 30 weeks time FLEW by!  

  8. I know exactly how you feel!!! I am 39 weeks and going crazy. I keep thinking only one more week, only one more week, and then I remember c**p thats only an estimated due date! It could still be a while, ahhh! I have yet to come up with much of anything to keep busy, I have already washed all the clothes and stuff and put everything away. And I just sat up the craddle two days ago, I don't have a seperate nursery yet so I don't want to have everything set up untill baby is here. ugh, it is terrible waiting, but I just occupy myself on YA, answering or just reading everyones questions. I also sleep all the time, makes time go by faster. Just try not to think about it, read a book, do a puzzle, take a walk everyday(will help with labor), clean out your closet(ive done this about 5 times already!) take a long bath, pamper yourself! Best of luck and congrats!

  9. Don't think about it, keep think what you need for baby, and do errands before baby arrived, with my first son it's was very slow, this is my second and it's feel fast! Don't be scary, you will be okay I am sure :)  

  10. how precious god bless him/her. good luck

  11. it will start going by faster, trust me. He/she will be here before you know it.

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