
28 weeks and i don't want to eat any more because i feel too fat...?

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k so before i found out i was pregnant with my 1st child i was 125 pounds i was the girl that every one said they wanted to look like i was hot and new .... well then got pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl i weighed 140 pounds after she was born had no stretch marks and was starting to feel good about my self... well when my daughter was four month's old i got pregnant again i wasn't going to keep it i didn't think i can hand it well my husband and i talked and he wanted the baby so we decided to keep it... well now I'm 28 weeks and I'm 165 pounds and have bad stretch marks already on my belly legs and back ... i mean i still have almost 3 months left... so what i want to know is what can i eat that's good for the baby and will make me not so fat and not gain to much weight? And do all women feel like this or am i just a selfish person?




  1. um - well, you're being a LITTLE selfish. FIrst off, they do make birth control. second, try vegetables. and cocoa butter works well on stretch marks - or there are a lot of other stretch mark creams out there.

    really you should only be thinking of your baby - not yourself getting fat. i went from 125 to 178 my first pregnancy and 145 to 180 my second - never thought a thing about it & still don't...course i didn't get stretch marks, but i wouldn't have cared - i have two beautiful kids to show for all of it!!

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