Hi, I'm 28 weeks pregnant and have been having pretty uncomfortable cramping sensations for about a week now. I mentioned this to my midwife who sent me to talk to a doctor who said that if they didn't stop I needed to go back in in two days. In the meantime I was to drink TONS of water. I must mention here, my husband is military so we have Tricare for our insurance and must be seen on the Army Post so I don't always see ONE doctor. When they didn't stop I went back in to the ER (as I was told to do) and saw ANOTHER doctor who pretty much laughed at me and said I was fine. All three medical professionals hooked me up to the monitor and saw that I was having very mild contractions irregular but every few minutes. They all called it uterine irritability. When I asked if this meant my baby would be coming early the first two just didn't give me any straight answer and the last one said, "nobody can predict when your baby will be born" like I DON'T KNOW THAT!! All I want to know is what is normal for contractions at this stage? Is this Braxton Hix contractions? I can't get hold of my regular OB Midwife and am afraid to go back in to the ER and get laughed at. I just am so confused. I wasn't too worried about the cramping until my midwife sent me to that first doctor and then THAT doctor seemed a bit worried but the last one didn't. What do I do? Is this normal? Did this happen to anybody?