
28 weeks pregnant and having slight contractions?

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Hi, I'm 28 weeks pregnant and have been having pretty uncomfortable cramping sensations for about a week now. I mentioned this to my midwife who sent me to talk to a doctor who said that if they didn't stop I needed to go back in in two days. In the meantime I was to drink TONS of water. I must mention here, my husband is military so we have Tricare for our insurance and must be seen on the Army Post so I don't always see ONE doctor. When they didn't stop I went back in to the ER (as I was told to do) and saw ANOTHER doctor who pretty much laughed at me and said I was fine. All three medical professionals hooked me up to the monitor and saw that I was having very mild contractions irregular but every few minutes. They all called it uterine irritability. When I asked if this meant my baby would be coming early the first two just didn't give me any straight answer and the last one said, "nobody can predict when your baby will be born" like I DON'T KNOW THAT!! All I want to know is what is normal for contractions at this stage? Is this Braxton Hix contractions? I can't get hold of my regular OB Midwife and am afraid to go back in to the ER and get laughed at. I just am so confused. I wasn't too worried about the cramping until my midwife sent me to that first doctor and then THAT doctor seemed a bit worried but the last one didn't. What do I do? Is this normal? Did this happen to anybody?




  1. I've been having uncomfortable braxton hicks contractions since about week 23.  I'm 33 weeks along and actually having one right now, lol.  If the contractions become regular and painful (not just uncomfortably tight), go back to the ER.  Otherwise, don't worry so much.  It's not unusual to have braxton hicks at 28 weeks.

  2. Call the ER and ask when the first doctor you saw will be in then go back to the ER then.  Just so you know that he actually cares.  That's what I would do

  3. i had pains and went into the hospital when i was 7 months and this was with my second so i know what a contraction looked like on the monitor but the lady sent me home saying i was fine and she came  two weeks early. the other doctor is right though you can never tell when the baby wants to come. with my third i was in and out of the hospital for 2 weeks because i was having contractions but they didnt hurt and then the last time they told me that unless i am screaming in pain dont come back in.

  4. When I hit that point in pregnancy, I was experiencing some pretty wicked Braxton Hicks.  It would be my guess that those are what is plaguing you.  Are you doing too much?  We were able to pinpoint what was causing mine and I haven't had any like that since then.  Think about what you are doing prior to the contractions each time. (for me it was s*x... :(  what a bummer!)  About 10 minutes or so later, there they'd be...once to the point that I was whimpering.  Thank goodness we're approaching the end!  Best of luck.

  5. next time you are experiencing this pain sit down and relax or try getting in a warm shower or bath if they dont go away then i think i would go back to the hospital...if you are going to go in to preterm labor they need to at least inject you with the medication that will help strengthen your babies lungs. did you go to the ER or to the labor and delivery floor? i think if you can try calling the labor and delivery floor and ask to speak to the attending physician and see what they have to say on this...its scary to not know what is going on...good luck.

  6. Its braxton hicks. The best way to know the difference is that real contractions are regular. If your contractions are coming irregularly whether they are every few minutes or every hour then they are still braxton hicks. I know, they are a pain, I've had them since like 25 weeks...

  7. I have had braxton hicks since 20 weeks, I am nearly 30 weeks. This can be very normal. Try not to worry. If they are painful, go to the hospital.  

  8. NEVER go scared to go to the ER. It's ashame that doctor laughed at you.

    I've been diagnosed with uterine irritability too and my doctors have been helpful so I will let you know what they said:

    - Uterine irritability will not cause pre-term labor because the contractions from uterine irritability are not strong enough to change the cervix - I've had 2 cervical checks because of the contractions I was hospitalized for and it has not changed at all. However, I was told if there is an underlying problem like a UTI (which is often behind uterine irritability) that CAN cause pre-term labor because the contractions get stronger and more organized. I was told to drink 16 8oz glasses of water a day (IT'S A LOT) and the contractions have calmed down. Even when I was given IV fluid at the hospital and watched the fetal monitor the contractions stopped. I was also given Macrobid even though the UTI tests were negative and it has helped tons.

    I suggest you go to another hospital or just go straight to L&D - I was in L&D and they were really really helpful.

  9. I agree with 'Poppy: ...'  I started having contractions at 28 weeks and was sent to labor and delivery. They hooked me up to monitors like you were, and it turned out i was actually in preterm labor.

    Don't be ashamed to go into the hospital if you are afraid somthing is wrong. It's better to be safe than sorry.  

  10. If you feel like there is a problem then you need to go back to the hospital and demand answers. With todays medical professionals you have got to advocate for yourself. Dont worry about getting laughed at. Persist until you get what you feel is an acceptable answer. Doctors do not know everything.  

  11. I am pregnant also though not as far along, so far the best advice I have been given is to me so far is that when it comes to being pregnant always trust your instincts. If you think something is wrong than have it checked out. Never feel silly for having it checked out. It's your body if something is wrong you are generally the first to know.  

  12. well first

    i think you should drink tons of water like the first doctor said and

    just calm down and breath

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