
29 week midwife appointment and told gonna be a big baby? Advice please?

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I had my mid wife appointment today and they felt and measured my belly and said im looking at having a big baby. My tummy measured 2 inches over what it should be. Im 29 weeks and i measured 31 inches. Has anyone else had this at their first measuring and then leveled out? Like have they measured just when the baby has had a growth spurt and then it levels out in few weeks? This is my first baby and im worried about the birth as it is and the thought of having a big baby has scared me even more to be honest. My partner and I are both not big people. Im small built and he is medium but very toned, however we are both tall. He is over 6 ft and im 5 ft 8. Could it be that the baby is just long rather than big?? She told me if when they measure again if the baby is still showing big like this they will need to scan me again? Why is this? Could my date be wrong or could it be incase of problems in delivery etc due to size?

Im probably panicking too much over something which may be quite common but all these questions popped into my head after i left and would appreciate some reassurance.

Thanks in advance for your help and non nasty responces.




  1. I swear I measured different and my due date was changed with every ultra sound. They kept telling me your baby is going to be big we need to induce you. They guessed her at 10 lbs at this point at 38 weeks, I was scared. I got bumped from being induced for over a week, everyone went into labor that week. Anyway they guessed her at 11 to 12 by the time I got in, and she was 8.03 lbs.

    Don't let them scare you, it will be fine. They may have gone to school but a lot of this is an estimate as well.  

  2. my daughter was 8 lbs 4oz and 21 1/2 inches long, she is a big girl! delivery wasnt too bad it took me about 2 hrs to push her out, but i only needed 2 stiches so i didnt rip bad. i dont know what it feels like to have a smaller baby, but i dont think its much different. i wouldnt worry to much, i liked having a big baby, im sorta hoping this baby will be the same! oh and im 5ft 7 and my daughters father is 6ft 2 so im sure that was a factor. but im sure it will go fine, i wouldnt be scared or worried

  3. Good morning!

    My husband and I chose to use midwives too and we loved them. However, you have to remember that there is no 100% accurate way to estimate the size of the baby. Our midwife said our baby was average sized, and that if we carried her full term she would weigh about 7.5 pounds and would be about 22 inches long. Our baby was born 10 days early, was 19 3/4 inches long, and weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces.

    There are so many factors that can interfere with accurate judging. Like you said, your baby could be very long. Also, it is possible that something is in the way so she can't make an accurate prediction. Levels of amniotic fluid, location of the cervix and uterus, position of the baby, etc. all affect how big the baby seems.

    The only thing that I can think would be a concern is gestational diabetes which is certainly a treatable condition. Were you checked at 28 weeks? If not, they may check you for this as it often causes babies to be a little larger than normal. It is a very simple test. If it is positive it requires that you adjust your diet a little bit during the remainder of your pregnancy-not a big deal!

    I wish you the best of luck!

  4. Emma always measured almost a month ahead of what she actually was.  She weighed 8 pounds 9 ounces which is what the doctor guessed her at.  She was big, but not extremely big.  The average baby only weighs 7 pounds nowdays, so what is considered "big" now in my opinion is just what used to be average.

  5. I was also told by my doc I'd be having a big baby, each visit in the latter stages of my pregnancy shed say the same thing after feeling and measuring him. I like you had started to get a little worried about it!

    However when he was born he cam out a normal size, not small but oversized either - he was 7lbs 10. He was born naturally without problems.

    So try not to worry, he may well not come out as large as you are fearing and I recall reading  somewhere that the body is usually very good at not making a baby bigger than the mother can handle.

    So good luck and I'm sure you'll be fine!

  6. You're really not measuring that big actually. The range they give you for your baby's size is within a two week mark, so if you're measuring 31 weeks, and you're 29 weeks your right on target don't worry. Also, if you're really concerned as for an ultra sound so you can get the exact measurements on the baby since that is the only for sre way toy tell the babies size. Measuring just with tape around the belly is not exact science. So, once again, relax, don't stress. Be happy your baby is healthy and growing.:)

  7. I measured 2 weeks over for my whole pregnancy and then it went to 3 weeks over so they sent me for a scan to have the baby measured for an estimated weight. Everyone who ever checked me said it was going to be a really big baby and my scan (at 37 1/2 weeks) estimated that he was already 8lbs 10oz so they started inducing me 2 hours later.  He was only born 3 days later and only weight 7lbs 10oz.  If I had known that they would be that far off, I would have NOT let them induce me because it was terrible.  

    I'd get another doctor's opinion just incase.  

  8. It's healthy I would think...not much to fret about.

    They may adjust your due date (induce u) or even schedule you a c section if your baby gets too big.

  9. dont worry yea,if the baby is born with low birth weight,its difficult for the baby.cheer up that u are going to have a healthy wellbuilt baby.congrats.there's nothing we can do by worrying.the strength for each day and each situation will be given us

  10. what did the ultrasound look like? does it confirm the measurements?

    However, my ultrasound showed that my baby was going to be over 10 pounds. She ended up being 8.9 pounds, the ultrasound was quite off....

    Do the average of your birth's weight and your partner's, the baby should be around that weight at birth.

    Don't let them scare you. I did and got a c-section!

    Everything will be fine - Good luck

  11. I have friends who were told they were going to have a 9 pound baby, and had a 6 pound baby!  Don't let them scare you!  I measured so big at my first prenatal with my 2nd child, they did an early scan to see if it was twins!! Nope, just extra water and it stayed that way the whole time.  If you and your husband were not big babies, and you don't have sugar problems, I wouldn't worry!  Try not to worry anyways, it won't do you a lot of good.  Just listen to the doctor and be prepared for anything!!  

  12. hiya, its perfectly understandable to be worried dont worry,

    i have a 7 week old now and was the same at 29 -weeks was always measuring a couple of inches over, and am only a small frame myself,this went on and had extra scans etc as they were concerned over babies size, even had to have tests for diabetes etc as they thought connected to big baby, and then on to have a planned c section,however when she was born she only weighed 8lb 11oz! which i know is quite big,but not 10-11 lb like they were saying she would be! and this has happened to friends to,my friend was told the same she was going to have a big 11lb baby and actually funnily enough she weighed the same as mine 8lb 11, but yea they can get it wrong,if they are particularly worried youl have the extra scans etc to monitor anyway,but wouldn't worry to much now,another thing was told was that was also carrying a huge amount of water surrounding the baby,so could also have been why measured big?

    good luck to you anyway! :-)

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