I am almost 29 weeks pregnant and today have been experiencing what I can only describe as cervical pain. It is centered very low in my abdomen and feels very deep. They are very sharp, stabbing pains that last only a split second each but are painful enough to startle me, stop me in my tracks, make me suck in my breath or double up. I would say that I am feeling these stabs several times per hour. Laying down, sitting, walking, standing, whatever... I still feel it. These are not round ligament pains, mind you, as I know *really* well what those are like! ;) This pain is in the exact same spot, right smack in the center of my low belly. It is sometimes accompanied by a heavy feeling of pressure that lasts a little longer.
I have had days like this before earlier in the pregnancy (around 20 weeks and 24 weeks). It began happening around 20 weeks, at around the same time I started getting Braxton Hicks (which I get daily). It happens for a day or two and then stops. The last time it happened at 24 weeks, it ended one day before a doctor appt., and he checked me to make sure that my cervix wasn't changing. Everything seemed fine and it hasn't come back again until today. He said to chalk it up to the normal aches and pains of pregnancy.
I do get concerned about preterm labor, but this is my first child and I have no reason to think that I would be at risk. Is it possible to have small changes in the cervix that feel this way? Could it be my baby's movements? Could it be that my baby is turning and putting pressure on nerves or my cervix? Any ideas or feedback?
Thanks in advance.