
29gallon fish tank stocking?

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I am going to buy a 29 gallon fish tank and was wondering what a good group of fish would be to put in it fresh or saltwater? How many of each and what kinds?




  1. You have lots of options.  Do some research first, here is a great site with loads of info.  Make sure you cycle your tank BEFORE buying fish.

  2. ill be setting up a brackish water tank soon myself just for this project, i suggest you use guppies since they breed like crazy, and i suggest if your making it for both salt and fresh feeding that you make it a brackish water as well cause you can then just move them to a small deal a of water to help them acclimate to the new water surrounding b4 being dropped into the tank, i suggest you let them "purge" in a separate water  pail too so that they don't hurt your other fish.

    the brackish water also helps the birth count since you'll lose more sperm and fry in saltwater than in brackish or fresh.

  3. My 29 gal is freshwater, with a pleco & 5 cories so far. I'm still having trouble deciding what to put in the upper areas. Maybe barbs or tetras, not sure...

    I really like glass catfish. Very cool looking.

    Paradise fish are really very interesting. I like the black variety, but they are difficult to find. You could put a male and a few females in there. Careful with tankmates, though. I lost a couple of these guys to a pleco!

    I have never attempted, but I would love to see a live reef & plant tank with those colorful saltwater fish!

  4. kyathit danios

  5. This is a great size for Freshwater. Saltwater needs to be larger to make them easier to maintain (most will say no smaller than 55 gallons).

    Another reason I don't recommend setting up a saltwater aquarium is that it takes a lot of time, money, knowledge, and patience.

    Freshwater aquariums can be just as beautiful for a fraction of the cost and mature much more quickly.

    As for what Freshwater fish to choose, first decide if you want schooling fish or solitary swimmers. Then research buy googling. Learn as much as possible before you even go to a pet store. Because it is difficult not to purchase the fish when you see them.

    The most important step in setting up either type of tank is to cycle. Or you will end up killing you first few fish and set your tank start up back even longer.

    For more fish questions I recommend:

    They have a team of experienced aquarists and breeders to answer any and every question you can think of.

    Good luck with you tank.

  6. You could get comunity fish.

    Tetras get about 2 inches.

    Guppies get about three inches


    platysget about three inches

    mollys get about 2 inches

    You could get about 5 tetras,3 guppies,2 platies,2 mollies

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