
2day my horse spooked cuz a fence fell @ the outdoor ring. now he's scared & wont go out there! what do i do?

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Today my horse was spooked cuz a fence fell while i was riding in the outdoor ring outside. I got back on him and he refused to get back in the ring. he wouldn't go forward or even near where the fence fell. It was getting worse and worse and im scared he will remember this and keep resisting. He wasn't spooked when i got off him and just lead him around the ring on foot, but i wanna be able to ride normally and its not going well at all. He's being difficult!! I had my trainer get on him and she tapped him with the crop and kicked him but i felt bad...letme kno! thankks <3




  1. Do NOT Use Food. This Is Giving Them A reward For Refusing To Go Somewhere.  

    If He Is Allright For You To Walk Next To Him In The Ring Where He Got A fright, Hes Just Taking The Mickey A Bit.  So When You Get On Him And He Refuses To Go In The Ring Give Him A Hard Tap On the Bum And Tell Him Firmly To walk On.  Don&#039;t Feel Bad About Telling Him Firmly Because Its Best For Him That He Forgets About This Fright.  He Should Trust You As His Owner That You Are MAking Sure He Is Safe.  Also You Could Get Your Trainer To walk Next To Him And Guide Him Into The Ring.  But If He Trys To To Take Off Out Of The Ring Once He Is In, Be Firm To Stop Him.  Walk Him Around Abit To Get, And Get Him relaxed.

    Once He Is Fine, Tell Him Hes A Good Boy, But Don&#039;t Praise Him Over The Top.  Next Time Take Him In The Ring And He Goes In Without A Problem Praise Him.  

    The First Time You take Him Back In You Could remove The Jump He Got A fright At And Then Gradually Build It Up To The Jump being In The Ring Whilst You And The Horse Is In.

    Hope This Is Ok!


  2. you should lung him over the jump and as soon as he tries to resist turn him in the other direction and keep going until he stops resisting. but the one thing yuu cant do is let him go around the jump because that is showing him how to avoid it. if he does do it give him loads of fuss

  3. He was more afraid of you falling off then you think he is afraid of the fence that fell

    Plus thats not much for a horse to be afraid of unless he crash it

    So what really happened ?

    If you had a good trainer he would be ok by now

    or your doing something really bad to him

  4. you can take him out to that area and pet him and feed him peppermints or carrots or apples or something and just hang out there for a while so he gets comfortable with being there again.  Then you can get back on him and walk him past the area and then trot and canter... you can&#039;t feel bad about kicking or using a crop on your horse... if he won&#039;t go you need to do it to fix his behavior.  Sometimes you have to make your horse do things and you can&#039;t assert yourself if you&#039;re afraid of being a little stern with him.

  5. use food to encourage him were you want him to go

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