
2gb mp3 play holds how many songs?

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2gb mp3 play holds how many songs?




  1. Well, that depends on the bit rate of the song and how long the song is.  As an example, my 4G iPod nano will hold about 500 songs.  So I would say that yours will hold about 250.  Maybe more.  I tend to encode my songs at high bit rates (256 and 320) for best fidelity.

  2. Each 1gb will hold 250 songs that are between 2 and 4 minutes, ask you local electronic shop and they will tell you, but your 2gb mp3 should hold around 500 songs  

  3. It really depends and since I dont know what the model or company is I cant tell you spesificaly but...

    A 2gb usualy holds around 500 songs but some hold around 300 as well so just check online using the comoany and it will most likeley tell you. :)

    Good Luck*

  4. It depends on the quality of the recording setting and the length of the song.

    But, a better answer that gives you a rough idea is that a 2GB mp3 player will hold 68 hours of music, or approximately 1,300 songs at 3 minutes a song.

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