
2nd Ever Period Coming Soon?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I was wondering if anyone could tell me some of the symptoms of having your periods.

I have small cramps sometimes, I get headaches, I get ALOT of discharge, and I was wondering if those are symptoms of my second period around the bend?

My very first one was 22 days ago. I am thinking any day now and the next one will start? And what should I be feeling before I do.




  1. I get slight cramps and discharge a few days before my period starts. I don't really get any bad period pain with mine, just slight cramps, so yeah... I guess that could be signs!

  2. Everyone is different when it comes to that lovely time of the month, but I have some of those symptoms about a week before I start.

    Best Wishes

  3. it probably is... my symptoms are getting a brownish discharge about a day before it starts.

    I almost always wear a pad around when my period is going to start. Just in case

  4. you'll be one of the lucky ones if you do get it every month regulary when your first starting. its rare for that to happen. dont be surprised if you dont get it this month or for the next few months maybe even the next year. your period takes a few years to regulate sometimes it takes until your out of your teens or even college before your regular

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