
2nd baby is more difficult than first. Agree or disagree?

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And why?




  1. Agree.  When the first one comes, you know you don't know what you're doing and make appropriate adjustments along the way.  You also get all kinds of advice (both wanted and unwanted) to help you along.  With the second, you're caught off guard because you think you know it all.  Plus, you have to deal with the needs of the first kid along with the second, and there's the guilt associated with the oldest getting less attention than he used to.  and in my own case, the second is a bit spoiled and makes things much more difficult.

  2. hmm lets see what i m having this time?then i can answer u

  3. For me, my second child was easier then my first.  My first son was a sick baby, lots of doctor's appointments and hospital stays (including 3 surgeries) from birth to his second birthday.  My second son was a very happy, easy going baby.  

    Now if my eldest wasn't sick, I don't know what the answer would be.  My third baby was more difficult then my second. She was more needy, but in a *hands off* way (if that makes sense).

  4. For me it was.  My first daughter was just turning 3 and still needed alot of attention.  I was a full time student and was working part time.  My boyfriend was also a full time student and worked.  I think it depends alot on the childs personality.  She still doesn't sleep through the night and she's 2 1/2( i was spoiled with my first daughter, she sleep through the night from day 1).  My second daughter is very demanding and has one temper.

  5. Disagree.......second was much easier.....born 20 minutes after arrival at hospital.......better baby.....mommy much less anxious....guess it is different for everyone....for me, much easier.

  6. As of now---I disagree.

    Labor was harder but he was also 8 weeks premature & I've heard premature labor hurts worse than full-term. In my case it is true.

    So far my youngest is exactly like my first was. One GREAT baby. Sleeps all night, rarely cries, rarely sick....just an all-around happy-go-lucky baby. BUT, my oldest was a great baby too, but can be a holy terror at times. I just hope my youngest doesn't turn from "good baby" to "holy terror" and he stays my good baby.

  7. Disagree!

    I was more at ease and really enjoyed baby #2 (As opposed to thinking I would break or hurt baby #1 and questioning my mothering abilities).  Baby 1 and 2 were 5 1/2 years apart.  

    Babies #3 and #4 were twins.  They were the easiest babies to bring home (other than twice as much work.)  Baby #2 was 2 1/2 years old, so he was rotten about everything and regressed.  Balancing family life and evenly distributing attention was the greatest challenge.

    The kids are all in school now.  In retrospect, those baby years fly by, and you'll be surprised how much you'll miss them.

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