
2nd day of positive ovulation test when it shouldn't be (+)????? Please read and give me some ideas!?

by  |  earlier

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I started my 2 day period ...(if you call that a period) on July 19, it ended the 21 of July.. I had never had such a short period. Prior, the whole week before I was positive I was pregnant because I was having all the signs. But then I had this 2 days thing so I thought I guess I am I got a ovulation test and started it the 22nd. Then yesterday it came up (+), and then today too!!! I know when I am ovulating, and this isn't it, not this what else could be triggering the test? Could it be possible I AM pregnant afterall? I did hear that ovulation test can detect preg hormone but my symptoms went away...any ideas? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! I want to get pregnant, and I can't afford any confusion




  1. Yes, it is possible that you could be pregnant, especially with such a weird period, was it very light? How long does your normal period last? But, yes OPK will show positive if you are pregnant, OPK will pick up the pregnancy hormone (HCG), but a HPT will NOT pick up the ovulation hormone (LH). So, what I would do it take a HPT, because if your OPK Really is positive because you are pregnant (and not because you are ovulating early) then an HPT SHOULD show by now too! Take a test ASAP! And lel me know what happens! Good luck and baby dust! (BTW, my guess is that you are PG!!!!)

    EDIT___ I saw on your profile that you asked this question yesterday too, it's been 2 days... surely you've taken a pregnancy test by now. Right? What did it say?

  2. Yes it is possible that you could be pregnant. Pregnancy can trigger an opk. Check out opk as hpt on

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