
2nd dog? bad choice??

by Guest58558  |  earlier

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i have a small 9 year old lhasa apso

is it ok for me to get a 2nd dog (golde retriever)?

im a little worried because my lhasa apso might get jelous because it will be smaller..but i will give equal attention to both...please help




  1. idk

  2. Hi,

    I have 3 dogs.  A Lhasa , maltese and a silky jack russell.  I would definately recommend another dog as a playmate for the Lhasa even though they can be quite "clingy" to us.  I wouldnt however recommend a large dog breed such as a golden retriever as it may hurt the little one by accident. Perhaps another small breed will be better. Expect some settling in issues with the new dog but im sure with patience and some training it will come into place nicely.  My three are thick as thieves now.  

  3.    I have 2 Dobermans and 4 MinPins of my own plus a MinPin foster so yeah, getting a second dog can be a good idea..

  4. I don't think it is a bad idea. I thinking about getting  a golden retriver and my husband is getting a rottweiler.  

  5. i have two golden retrievers, i got one after the other

    they love each others company, alfie ( the older one) was quite jealous at first but now he is fine

    now the new one gets more jealous, it's quite funny

    im sure it will be fine if you get a new dog

  6. I had the same worry about getting a second dog. No, it shouldnt matter. Your lhasa apso should not rule your decisions. If you want a second dog, go for it. Your dog will get over it once she gets used to the new dog. As long as you give them equal attention, it shouldnt be a problem. Your dog may be a little jealous in the beginning, but like said, she'll soon adapt after a week or two. And remember that A LOT of people have more than one dog.

  7.   I don't think this would be a good idea if the golden retriever is a pup.  Mainly because your lhasa apso is considered to be a senior, or at least out of her puppy stage.  On top of that, your lhasa apso is a small dog and a golden retreiver will outgrow your lhasa apso in a matter of 4-6 months.  Golden retrievers can be very playful and want to play excessively rough.  When I got my german shepherd, I was not prepared for the constant playing and not a moment of peace between my lab and the new GSD.  It was constant and it drove me crazy, of course things have settled down now and they will both lay in the front room and snooze, but at first I had to put one outside for an hour and one in the house for an hour and then switch out because the constant rough-housing drove me nuts.  There was also a time when I had to take the new pup (GSD) to the vet with an injury due to the lab playing too rough.  Now that its been 6 months the GSD is bigger then the lab and lets my lab know when she has had enough of his bs. My lab is approxitmately a year older than my GSD, and since labs have a long puppyhood everything has worked out.  It really depends on your lhasa apso, how well will she play with a new dog, puppy or at least 2 years old?  Has she been around other dogs, dogs that are very playful?

  8. I have a golden and if your Lhasa Apso is old and fragile I would not recommend a Golden...They want to play 24 hours a day....They are a great dog though.  Also many vets tell you to bring in a puppy so the older dog can "train' It

  9. Personally, I think a 2nd dog is a REALLY good choice.

    See, I had one dog, and I know this from experience.

    She was plain miserable. We couldn't ever take her on walks because she started getting fat.

    And all she ever did was lay around the house.

    But when she died (R.I.P ]:) We got two dogs, and they're both retreiver-lab mix. They're both really skinny, because they play all the time, and they never tire of eachother.

    And plus, it's reaaaalllyyy fun taking care of them. Especially when you snuggle with both of them.

    Or take them on walks.

    So I give a thumbs up on a 2nd dog. But you if your little dog's a girl, then don't get a boy dog, because if your dog's actually that small, like chihuaha small, their normal mating routines might hurt her, sooo..

  10. Dogs by nature are a pack animal and so I think it is a great idea. There might be a slight transition period but your old dog will soon come to love and except the new member into your family.

  11. Well I have 2 dogs....A rat terrier and and min pin! I got the rat terrier first and i had him for three years since he was a puppy....and the min pin is 11 months old.....i got him when he was two months! Now when I tell you......Kodie(rat terrier) was jealous to the tenth power! They would fight....Kodie wouldn't let him eat out of his own bowl or nothing! Its a long list of stuff! But now they are best friends! When Jigga cry...Kodie is right there....when he barks, Kodie is finding out whats wrong! The fighting and acting mean lasted for like a month! I think you'll be fine if you were to get another dog!  

  12. he probably wont feel jealous about size and if you give equal attention  but being an older dog and smaller you might have a bigger dog that really wants to play and then your older smaller dog might not want to so the older dog may get injuried because of size differents and the golden may get snaped at so when decideing think of this  

  13. If you will give equal attention to both then i guess its ok, my aunt and uncle have like 3 dogs so ya

  14. It's good to get another dog. Because your older dog will TEACH the new dog. My family does this all the time. And the dogs have company while you're gone.

  15. I think getting another dog could be a very  good idea but i  would consider how compatible the dogs are, if the golden is very hyper and your dog is very laid back it could be a problem. how well does your dog get along with other dogs? I have 6 dogs, when i get another dog i just hope for the best and it usually turns out ok, at least eventually.. My dog Lucy hasn't accepted my last puppy but she is old and cranky and he is wild.

  16. it will be okay since your giving both dogs the same amount of attention
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