
2nd grade question?

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Please share some of your classroom management strategies: rules, consequences, rewards. I've never taught 2nd grade before. I always had the older kids. I'm going to have to make a lot of changes to my style.

Also, this is for a self contained special ed class with an aide.




  1. I went from teaching 5th graders to 3rd grade - once I got over the fact that they were short - I realized that most of my classroom management techniques and strategies would not need to change. I just had to allow them more time to learn the procedures.

    Stickers and colorful stamps are great rewards (even the freebees you get from junk mail)

    I used a color behavior chart:

    purple -  Exceeds Expectation (behavior "above & beyond)

    green - Expectation (this was the goal for everyone)

    yellow - Below Expectation (1 minute on the curb at recess)

    orange - Warning (3mins on the curb & a note home)

    red - Unacceptable (phone call & note home) (depending on the reason for the change this could result in a complete loss of recess - yes, they had to watch their peers play)

    The important thing to remember is that your color can change throughout the day - that means your clip could move up or down. (purple was a school color)

    The color was recorded by the students in their "take home" folders for the parent to see.

    One of the class jobs was to put all the clips on green after they were recorded in HW folder.

    As for the SpEd kids - remember that they CAN learn it just takes many, many more times of seeing the material for them to learn what you want them to learn.

    Good luck,

    BTW: I find that each grade level has its challenges AND its blessings.

  2. Some tips If you get a child that acts up say at a certain time  example it is time for math - one child is opposed to that and acts out, throws a book, tears something up.. Don't let the child opt out say to the child after math 9 and before something the child enjoys like art or whatever make them correct the wrong then

    so if they exhibit poor behavior before something they hate let them know that they will correct their wrong dring something you know they enjoy doing and they can't get out of anything bc of poor behavior.

    Also, NEVER take away a prize if they do good and get a prize then act out you are not suppose to take away what they already achived. Hope this helps.

    Good Luck!

  3. Look into the book

    Schools of Fish

    It has helped me with my students.

  4. Rules:Should be simple and regular such as these. They are still little kids so keep the rules easy and simple. I am a seconde grade teacher and here are my rules:

    1. No touching peers in anyway

    2. Respect the teachers, students, and classroom

    3. Dont shout out

    4. Be polite and only say appropriate things

    5. Contribute in class dicussions and turn in hw/papers on time

    6. Have fun and make it a great year!

    Consequences: Should not be all that bad but you do need some disipline. These are my consequences for my 2nd grade class.

    If you break a simple rule such as shout out, or push someone, be disrespectfull you get 3 chances and then a timeout in the timeout chair for 10 min or recess depending on how bad it was.

    If you break a bigger rule or something more important you have to have a timeout for 10min or recess and child writes home note to parents.

    Anything further you contact parents or prinicple and they deal.


    In my class we have Special Star awards. Once a month 3-4 children get rewarded w/ a star that says a very nice thing that they did that month. Occationally I will give out pieces of candy for exeptional work.
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