
2nd period is due first week of school.?

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yeah, so i'm a tad worried that it will come when i'm not exspecting it. I mean i'm not going to wear tampons when i dont have my period. And i cant stand pads and pantyliners also i only wear thongs usually. So i'm bound to leak my first week of school :/ help?




  1. Sorry, but you're going to have to use the pads. They'll be uncomfortable, but there really is no other way.

  2. since its only your second period, there's a really good chance it won't come when it's supposed to.  during your first year of periods, it's highly irregular.  just in case, wear liners.  they make special thong ones i think stayfree or carefree or something like that is the brand haha.  i know its like a hot pink package.  good luck and i hope i helped (:!

  3. well hunny... unfortunately sometimes you have to compromise with your body.  Perhaps you can wear some bigger undies and a panty-liner.  At the very least, you can bring tampons with you and go to the bathroom after every class.  I remember when I used to be so worried about that too.  It'll be okay.  Usually when you leak, you catch it before it gets on your pants anyways.  And no white pants.  Good luck.

  4. dont wear thongs on the 1st week!!!!! Just wear pads or pantiliners in your panties and carry tampons with you!!!!

    Hope i helped


    p.s. if the pads with flaps are uncomfortable, then by the ones w/o them th@s what i did

  5. I wear pads with thongs.. You still can, wear a thin pad, aslong as your not weariing spandex or mini skirts, you will probably have no one notice.

  6. all you can do is wear a pad.

    sorry but u just have to deal with it.

  7. suck it up and wear pantyliners.  

  8. Well soz, but what else can you do? Unless you are old enough to use birth control (which i'm guessing your not) there is no other solution than using pads.

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