My family recently moved into a new town. An 11 year old boy a few houses away frequently comes to ask if he can play with either my 8 year old boy or my 11 year old boy. The 8 year old likes to play with him and I sometimes let them "hang out" in the backyard for the afternoon.
If the 8 year old is not home the neighbor boy askes to play with my 11 year old. My older son just plain does not like this other boy. They are very different in temperament, sense of humour, intellect and interests.
I would never force my son to play with anyone he did not want to play with "just to be nice".
I have tried already to talk to the parents about other issues such as my "house rules" and other situations , but they are not willing or capable to be helpful with such issues, so "talking to the parents" is not a helpful sugguestion.
My Question- What can we ( either my son or myself) tell this young fellow to get him to stop coming around WITHOUT hurting his feelings?