
2nd time my son peed in the livingroom?

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I have a son and he's turning 7 in a couple of months and Im getting worried cause this is the second time he has peed in his mom's living room. When he's with me or at my parents house he doesn't do that. The first time he peed in his moms living room, at first we took it as if he was just being bad or he had to go pee right away and couldn't go to the bathroom on time but now I am getting worried cause I don't really know whats going on there at his moms house since I don't live there anymore. My friends are telling me that he's not getting the attention that he wants there and thats why he does that. The first time he peed was at the same place aswell. Do you think my friends are right and its lack of attention he's getting there at his moms house?




  1. Just to make sure I understand, is he actually (sorry to be blunt) pulling it out or is he doing it in his pants?  If he's pulling it out, I would definitely say it sounds like attention-seeking behavior.  I would definitely sit him down and let him know that this is not appropriate behavior.  Then, I would be asking questions about the amount of attention he receives with his mother.  If the only attention he can get is negative attention, sure he's going to act out.  I'm sure it created a stir the first time he did it. This really should be dealt with asap to avoid more problems in the future.  Best of luck!

  2. Honestly, I peed in my closet a couple of times as a kid. My family camps a lot and when we've been hiking we've had to pee in the woods. Well when I got home I thought, "Hey this is a lot easier than running to the bathroom." If he's doing it privately I would think it's the same type of situation. He's doing something he knows is wrong but figures that it's easier or that if he can get away with it all the better. If he is doing it in front of people it could be attention seeking behavior. Unless he is doing it in front of his younger friends. Then he could be doing it to be cool. (Yes even 7 year olds think about their repuations!)

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