
2yr old help!?

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i'm babysitting a 2yr old boy this summer.

and he's soo spoiled. and gets whatever he wants.

like he cries to get what he wants hits things and then hits himself and people around him, and if he doesnt get it he reallly screams and its just soo, ergh.

i dont know what to do..

like he want to play with kitchen stuff like spoons , forks, etc.

and one time he got out a glue gun, and i dont know where he got that from...his parents give him what he wants, he would be like "give me!" and they just give it to him. and me, i tell him no, and he throws tantrums, cries, scream, etc.

and he obviously doesnt know what the word 'no' and everytime i tell him no, he throws things and throws a tantrum..

what should i do? any suggestion would be really helpful.

thanks in advance!




  1. tell him its time 4 a nap and take him 2 his room and tell him 2 lay down and dont get up unit he takes one it works wen i baby sit and after that play a fun game.

  2. get some legos or something and instead of saying no say "i got a better idea" and pull some creative toys out of your purse and he will get interested and want to play with that instead of him getting what he wants and with lego you could build watever you want so they dont get boreing

  3. Well this will take some time but you have to start on a time out chair or corner and everytime he does something wrong or just screams put him in the chair or corner and don't give into him for nothing I know this will be hard but he will respect you in the end and when he does good reward him with somehting a snack or a sticker something small after awhile maybe he will get the idea. Good Luck!!!

  4. Well unfortunately it's not your place to tell him no. I realize that your his care giver at the moment but unless his parents have given you permission then there really isn't anything you can do.

    Sit down with them and talk to them about the behavior. Say you know he's a good boy but that whenever he doesn't get his way this is what happens. Say that you want to be able to do something about it but you felt you had to talk with them about it first. Explain that if this isn't corrected that he will act this way all the time. Maybe put him in his room until the screaming stops or until he says he's ready to  be a good boy.

    I'm going threw the same thing with my son and although I wouldn't care if daycare were to put him in time out until he was going to be a nice boy I also don't spoil my son he gets told no plenty.

    Just talk to them and remember for time out it's one minute for each year.

    Good Luck!

  5. ok so i have babysat all my life and i am only 12 right now with my parents always at work it seems like i am rasing my 7 yr old sis. but i also babysit a 2yr old of my dads friend all you have to do is keep telling him no and everytime he acts up put him in time out it may take a while but soon he will learn whos boss!

  6. Tell him that what he is playing with could cause an ouchie, and then distract him with something he CAN play with. Just be patient with him and realize that his behavior is his parents' fault, not his! Good luck!

  7. so i also baby sit a two year old. i think you should start taking him places like outside because that will give him something to do, and try and make it a place hes never been then he will be distracted and not be a brat.

  8. Sounds like a normal toddler to me.

    Just keep him busy with games and fun stuff.

    Drawing, finger paiting, playdoh, reading books, playing in the sprinkler keep my son busy. (he is almost 3)

  9. Distract him.  Every time, with anything you can.  When he starts to scream, pretend that you are a bunny, or something, and ask if he wants to be one too.  Or start coloring.  Or do a funny dance.  Or put on music.  At age two, they are very distractible.

  10. I have a very stubborn two year old girl who is getting a whole lot better.  There for a while everytime my husband or I would correct her or tell her no she would throw a fit!!

    The only thing that worked with us was consistency.  When we said no and she threw a fit ... we would put her in her room.  She would scream and cry but couldn't come out until she stopped.  

    I would suggest putting him somewhere when he starts a tantrum like that.  A bedroom or a playpen or something.  Let him know that this sort of behavior ends in this kind of punishment.  And be consistent.  Even if his parents aren't .. There is a different set of rules at your house than at home and sooner or later he will get the idea.  

    But be consistent!! You go back on it one time and he will test you even more.

  11. How much are you babysitting him? if you are looking after him a lot him might start to respect you if you say no. If he wants something he can't have and thn throws a tantrum put him in a room where he can't do much damage. Say if you are going to throw a tantrum, you can do it in here. Wait until he is quiet again and then tell him why he can't have the "thing". make sure you come to an understanding that is was dangerous or whatever the reason was. If he starts hitting you or trows things etc. put him in a timeout area (maybe different than the tantrum room) make sure he knows why he is in timeout (tell him why). You can also try to distract him. Take him to a park or a water park nearby.

    P.S. I dont know exactly how old he is (2 and a half, almost three etc.) so if he just turned two he might not exactly understand everything you are telling him??? I don't know maybe he will

    Anyway...I hope i helped you at least a bit


  12. I WOULD SPANK THAT CHILD IF HE WAS MINE..... but hes not yours so you need to tell him hes a big boy and if he acts like a baby wen you tell him he cant have stuff he is going in timeout and then you put him in the corner until he stops crying. If he keeps crying just ignore!!!! Then wen hes done you can make him a snack or something or give him a cookie trust me it AWLAYS works with me!:)

  13. Children, at the age of 2 are statistically prone to be this way.  They are in their "testing" phase.  I can tell you that if his parents are not following up with what you are trying to teach this little boy, you are wasting your time!  I, personally, could not tolerate ANY child who won't listen. If you are finding the care of this disobedient unruly child too much to tolerate, then perhaps you should have a talk with his parents and let them know exactly how you feel.  Either they will come to a realization as to there inadequacy in this situation and get behind you with the program or you may have to just send them on down the road to a different babysitter.

  14. He isn't stupid, he is behaving the way all 2 year olds behave...someone else is stupid.  When he throws a tantrum put him in time out.  Ignore the tantrums and eventually they will cease.  Accentuate when he behaves properly, pour on the praise.  When he misbehaves let him know you are disappointed.  

    My advice, stop babysitting toddlers if you can't handle them.

  15. First they need to realise that they cant always give him what he wants because he's gonna expect the same from other persons.

    They need to start ignoring his tamtrums, (after you put him somewhere safe) so he can learn that behaving in a negative way gets him nothin good.

    (as long as they set the example you can safely do the same).

    But if they make no effort to change that nasty habit of his, they're just making your job harder. See what they think of his behaviour and that will let you know how they expect you to react to it.

    Good luck!

  16. Just keep saying no!!  Don't give in at all!  

    Eventaully he might realize that you are different than his parents.  Things might turn around.  The only problem is, it might take all summer lol.
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