i'm babysitting a 2yr old boy this summer.
and he's soo spoiled. and gets whatever he wants.
like he cries to get what he wants hits things and then hits himself and people around him, and if he doesnt get it he reallly screams and its just soo, ergh.
i dont know what to do..
like he want to play with kitchen stuff like spoons , forks, etc.
and one time he got out a glue gun, and i dont know where he got that from...his parents give him what he wants, he would be like "give me!" and they just give it to him. and me, i tell him no, and he throws tantrums, cries, scream, etc.
and he obviously doesnt know what the word 'no' and everytime i tell him no, he throws things and throws a tantrum..
what should i do? any suggestion would be really helpful.
thanks in advance!