
3-0....the Wings did it again?!?

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What a win again...Osgood back to back shutuouts...unbelievable...Filppula had an amazing goal...Stuart had a nice one too.

Thoughts on Game 2? Who wins game 3? Will the Pens score? How do they answer the Red Wings?




  1. Great game! I'm sure the Pens are very frustrated now.

  2. They'll score, but Red Wings will score more, AGAIN. I hoping Babcock puts in Downey to shut up Roberts and Malone. GO WINGS

  3. I was absolutely stunned to see Datsyuk out there swinging his fists.  I loved the win, but I saw a lot of cheap shots from the Pens and I was pretty pissed over a couple of missed calls.  

    I'm looking forward to Wednesday!

  4. If anyone said the Red Wings would shut out the Penguins the first two games, I'd say they were nuts.

    Did you see the cheap shots Roberts and another guy took at Franzen's head?

  5. roberts got his face beat in.

  6. wow!!

    i'm still not sure what is going on, but when a team with Crosby, Malkin and Hossa have too resort to cheap shots after less than 2 games you know they're rattled and already out of ideas

    the next 2 in Pittsburgh are huge, they haven't lost there so it could be 2-2 when they head back to Detroit

  7. Pitt has no class.  Wings win in 5.

  8. I think it was a nice game :)  Great job done by Ozzie.

    Towards the end there were a couple cheap shots, mostly on Franzen's head.  Poor guy - he just came back from a possible concussion too.

    I can't say who'll win game 3 though - hopefully the wings.

  9. The Pens will try and score, but... I saw all of our defence again smother Pittsburgh's shooters and block shots.

    Also, Pens will need to get more shots on net, to stand a chance of scoring...

    Ozzy will be solid again. And we should win one of the away games, at least.

    But, in the end. I see Detroit with more experience, 17 Stanley Cup games in 95, 97, 98, 02 and an extra 2 more games this post-season.

    Pittsburgh has not been here for 16 years now.

    And, that will be the difference in the end.

    Game 3 score now: Wings 4 Pens 1


    from Down-Under; Melbourne

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