
3 1/2 month old baby spits up like crazy?

by Guest64261  |  earlier

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-she's breastfed, and eats like 8 times a day, but she's always hungry, and she doesn't just spit up a little, it's like piles on the floor all over my house, the doctor says it's from over feeding, but that doesn't make sense, she eats when she's hungry??? It's just frustrating, she seems like she is always uncomfortable, like indigestion or something, and pediatricians are only available here for really sick babies.




  1. Your baby might have reflux.  How long are you letting her nurse for?  My doctor had me cut back on the time I let my son nurse and we just added another feeding.  At 3.5 months I had him on a schedule of every 2.5 to 3 hours and would let him nurse about 10 minutes at the most on each side.  My pediatrician recommended 1 oz for every month of age.  If you pump at all you can see how many ozces that your daughter is getting.

  2. I noticed that my son started spitting up more when he turned 3 months. I was not and am not over feeding him. He is almost 4 months now. But he is bottle/formula fed.  Eats about 5 times a day at 6oz a bottle.

  3. i didnt breastfeed but my daughter was like that. she had a mild acid reflux. it reminded me of the exorcist. we had to put her on a lactose free formula and put the baby cereal in her bottles. the cereal was a life saver. something about thickening the formula kept it in her tummy better. maybe you should think about pumping your milk and try the formula and see if it helps. some babies have such a bad acid reflux they need medication. if have anymore questions or jsut need to talk feel free to msg me!!

  4. She may be lactose intolerant!  I have friends that had to stop breast feeding and switch to a lactose free formula.  You need to bring that to the Dr.'s attention.  If the Dr. won't listen then call the nearest hospital and ask for the lactation consultant on duty.  You can talk to her and make an appointment even to see her in person.

  5. It could be reflux

  6. Sounds to me like she is allergic to something you are eating.  Do you drink and eat alot of dairy products?  Lactose Intollerance and milk allergy are very common in babies.  Try eliminating all milk and egg products from your diet for about a week and see if that makes her better.  

  7. I nursed my 4 sons each for a full year.  I can tell you that I have seen my share of babies spitting up even profusely.  I could be that she is overeating - while nursing does comfort them when they cry, they do not always cry because they are hungry.  Try to find a pacifier that will comfort her, too.  I know that sometimes, if I ate spicy foods, it would not agree with my baby.  They cry for attention, too, just to be held but if you are always the one to hold her she is going to think FOOD and instinctively want to nurse.  I learned this the hard way with my 1st and got down to an unhealthy weight by the end of that year by being a human pacifier!  Not good for either of us.  

    She could have an allergy, it could be reflux - any number of things.  If you are not satisfied with your doctor's prognosis, get a second opinion.  To begin with...try a better feeding routine like make her wait 3-4 hours between feedings, comforting her other ways in between.    

  8. it could be acid reflux. there are meds available from the Dr. for that too.

  9. my 5 week old is the same way, i wondered if it was stuff i eat, his older brother is allergic to milk so thats something im considering taking out of my diet to see if it makes a difference, maybe its acid reflux, my brother had that as a baby but eventually grew out of it so if thats the case there isnt much a doc would probably do anyway, or maybe your daughter isnt getting a big enough burp.  i tried sitting my son upright right after he eats bc someone said it would help keep his food down, but all its done for me is keep the puke off him and it goes on the floor instead.  if u figure it out let me know...

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