
3 1/2 yr old son is violent....?

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he has apraxia, which is a speech disorder....... dont know if that can be part of it or is it because of the age? he's very smart and stubborn? and a lil spoiled fr his estranged dead beat......... he pulls my BF's hair grabs at grammas and bf's glasses, throws EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! i asked his Dr if he should be on meds, she said hes 3....WTF? help.....




  1. It sounds like there are a lot of dynamics at work that would make it impossible to really give you a good answer here.

    The way you talk about the ex with us makes me wonder what vibes you give off around the child.  Also, how do you react when he is like this?

  2. Children, especially young ones, are perceptive to how adults behave around them.  Be careful how adults may act around your son.  Your son is simply modeling what he may have seen in his own environment.

    Suggestions to correct his behavior, you need to be firm with him.  Set limits and be clear and consistent with this.  Avoid yelling.  Create plausible consequences beforehand.  Stick with what you say or your son will know you don't mean it.  Award good behavior.  Start small and encourage growth.

    Your son is young.  If his behavior goes uncorrected, not only will you be dealing with a disgruntled, aggressive tween, but your son will have trouble socializing with other students once he starts school and beyond.

    What you do now as his mother will have great impact on your son's life now and in the future.  If needed seek professional help.  Best of luck.

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