
3.1 Questions in one! Exciting!! Here they are...?

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1. I was just reading an article on Yahoo! about possible expansion;_ylt=AqAZrR7jToyAKwL955qd8bx7vLYF?slug=rm-summerissues072408&prov=yhoo&type=lgns

So if the NHL would expand more teams when would you expect the NHL to expand? What year?

2. This could be considered a dead horse question but I'll ask it anyways. If you could decide on where the next expansion franchise would be, where would you choose? and what would their team name be?

3. You walk into a coffee shop and see your favorite player alone in the corner He seems content reading his newspaper. The last game he played his team lost in OT What do you do? Talk to him or ignore and let him enjoy his coffee? If talk to him what would you say?

3.1 Same as question 3 but the scenario is different. His team won last night in OT what do you do? Anything different? What do you talk about?

Like TBL is saying, "Drop the puck already!"

I'm running out of ideas for offseason questions!




  1. 1)  Maybe in 2015

    2) Las Vegas Jokers  and Winnipeg Jets (bring them back )  

    3)I don't bother him  at all. That is his quiet time. I he looks up I say hey. That is it.

    3.1) Same answer as above.

    Thanks Teal Town

  2. 1 Maybe 2013, I'm specific

    2 Las Vegas Queens or the Seatle Silo's

    3 Smack him on the head and say, "Nice Game buddy" in a mean tone, that seems to cheer him up, then take his coffee and dump it on his head.

    3.1 Say, "Nice game bud" in a nice tone and ask for his autograpgh.

  3. 1. 2012. although i think they have set years in which they can expand, i don't know if the NHL can expand any year they want, i could be wrong though.

    2.Bring back the Nordiques, my favourite all time team.

    3. Well if they lost in OT you try and not be too jumpy or excited just like "excuse me sir, you wouldn't happen to be (my favourite player) would you" and if he says yes, you go something like OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG I KNEW I RECOGNIZED YOUR BALD HEAD!. k don't really do that. you just do what i did when i Met Bob Probert. Walk up, say Hey, shake their hand, ask politley for something auto'd (in my case, his and Joe Kocur's book) and then let him back to his business. Oh btw, following them into the bathroom and ironically using the urinal right beside him isn't cool.

    3. same thing, big smiles, hand shake. if a player lost in OT, at least he'll feel better knowing not everyone hates him haha and if he won, he'll be in a good mood anyways.

  4. 1. 2015

    2.  Hamilton

    3. I talk about the season

    3.1 Nothing different

  5. 1. Winnipeg is ready to have an NHL team back as is Quebec i would think. It wont happen until at least 2015.

    2. I would pick Winnipeg not sure what to call them, it would seem silly to call them the Jets although the Senators came back as the Senators so anything is possible.

    3. I would probably leave him be until he was about to leave and than maybe ask for an autograph.

  6. 1) I really hope they don't expand, but rather relocate existing teams in financial troubles. I know the money-hungry owners want the expansions fees, but it's not in the best interest of the game.

    2)Contrary to popular belief, they haven't even started on either of the proposed arenas in Las Vegas, except for hiring a designer for one of them, due to the extreme downturn in the housing market which is affecting many other projects as well. This info was in this past Sunday's LV Review-Journal.

    Seattle Starbuckers?

    Alaska Opilios?- Yes, I watched too much "Deadliest Catch"

    3)I'd offer to make that coffee Irish and say some silly cliche` like "Get 'em next game" then leave the poor guy alone.

    3.1)  Still offer to make the coffee Irish, but say some silly cliche like "great game"  then leave him alone.

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