
$3.40+ a gallon. This is just way too much! When will the dollar go back up in value?

by  |  earlier

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I passed a gas station today and it was $3.43 a gallon.

It went up nearly 10 cents.

Oil hit another record of $115 a barrel due to the collapsing dollar.

When will we see relief and get more for our money?




  1. Not in the summer maybe the fall... I'd anticipate light rail & street cars probably making a big come back in American cities. Or working at home might take off. Say goodbye to superhighway business though.

  2. The cheapest I saw it today was $3.509 locally. And as high as $3.659 in some places. The time we'll see a change is November when we vote in a new president and , hopefully, that person does something about the sinking economy. If not, then get ready for world war III.

  3. Soon because if you look at every time the market takes a dip it comes back even stronger.

    Yes the dollar is weak but here is the upside.

    Companies overseas seek out American products because get more with their money.

    John Deer that makes tractors are more competitive.

    The market cycles that is part of life.

    We were over due for an adjustment.

    Take a look 9/11 was one the major hits on the market and we went back into record territory.

    So I would buy into stocks now.

  4. Got an email that said if we all stop buying gas from Exxon and Mobil that they will have to lower there prices which will make the other companies lower there.

  5. Hopefully never. I'd rather the dollar keep getting weaker so I can stock up on silver and then be rich! s***w the "economy" and the dollar. People put too much faith in governments and slips of paper.

  6. That's cheap.  I'm used to gas being about $1.10 per litre (about $4 per gallon).

    Because of the chances of high inflation, many people are investing in commodities like oil (which only compounds the problem).  The laws of supply and demand should give you the rest of the picture.

  7. We wont see any relief untill we wake up and tell the GOV we had enough, untill then we will only talk about it....

    I say we so a 30 day boycott..

  8. you only pay 3.40, We are up to 3.89 for reg. but my bike takes prem. for 4.45

  9. Judging by what the most recent reports say, not anytime soon.

    It is anywhere from $3.19-$3.27 where I live.


    I am filling 43$ worth of gas every three days.

  10. yeah, it will be a while till you guys get out of your recession. Move to Canada! We have good pot and free health care!

  11. It's $3.68 where I am. I don't see any relief until after the elections. Bush and his oil buddies are making a nice profit even they swear they "aren't gouging". All our money is going for the war and we are being bought up by the Chinese. Pretty sad state of affairs.

  12. The gas prices are being caused by increased demand,  a shortage of refining capacity in many areas,   speculation on oil driving up the price of crude,   and oil company greediness.      There is no will in the government to lower prices,   many of  our elected representatives have been bought and paid for with those dollars.  

    We need new elected officials who truly want what is best for our country (and no,  the 3 bozos we now have as candidates are not going to give us change,  although one does love this country enough to fight for it.)     We need to deport those who are driving wages down and protect American worker's jobs.   We need to stop the drain on our resources and quit providing benefits to those who don't want to work or are in the country illegally.     And most of all........

    WE ALL NEED TO BECOME INFORMED SHOPPERS.     CHECK THE LABEL,  BUY AMERICAN WHENEVER POSSIBLE.     Don't buy on credit,  doing so only lowers the value of YOUR dollar as a chunk of it goes to someone else as interest.

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