
3 Aug my period started now what is the best date to do s*x for conceive

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  1. If you have a 28 day cycle, Aug 12 will begin high fertility through Aug 17th being ovulation. I would baby dance starting Aug12th, then every other day (to build up sperm) and also on Aug 17th.That's what I did with my cycle and it worked.  Good luck!

  2. btwn 7 and 10 days from now. I had a period on jan.1 had s*x on jan.8 my son was born oct.11. good luck.


    we are TTC BBY#1 and i have been using this chart... it works out your ovulation days and the best time to "do it" lol

    i hope i have helped.

  4. i would have s*x every other day from the last day off your period to give you a better chance, also depends on how long your cycle is to know when you ovulate, as not all woman ovulate bang in the middle off there cycle  

  5. if you have regular period cycle do s*x on the middle of your cycle if it is 28days  do it almost between16-19 aug and if it has 30 days 17-20 aug is ok.but if you have don;t have regular period maybe u need some some ovulation kit for helping to know which day you have ovulation.or you can check ur uterus discharge when it is like egg white and wet and adhesive it is better time

  6. Hi, u can try between 12th & 22nd Aug ......... wish u all the best ......... alternate days u can ve s*x  

  7. they say that you ovulate around 14 days into your cycle, so id say around 12-13 days into it.

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