
3 Bs at A Level, I'm r8 happy bout it. But I worked out the overall marks... 2 off an A in maths! Wot 2 do?

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Ive got in at my 1st choice of Uni, but because Im only 2 marks off an A for maths, Im wondering if I could maybe resit one of the exams, probably C1 because it's the easiest, and attain an A rather than settle for 2 marks short of an A; a B.... Anyone got any advice on this matter?




  1. if you have go to uni why worry just leave it boy

  2. If you've got into your first choice uni and you work hard to do well there then the A-levels are irrelevant. I really don't see any benefit in resitting and it will distract you from your new course. I know the disappointment is still a little bit fresh and raw, but honestly by this time next year it'll be ancient history to you and you'll be getting on with the next phase of your life. Good luck and have fun! Hx

  3. A miss is as good as a mile, as they say. A levels are only a means to an end - they get you to Uni. No-one is going to be remotely interested in what you got at A level when you have got a first (or disctinction for your degree). Don't waste time revisiting this unless you have a really good reason - throw your efforts into the next stage. Friend of mine re-sat his maths A level to get into his preferred Uni - and did even worse second time round - so no guarantee you won't fare any better if you re-do it.

    The thing about academic success (I'm told) is that it is like silk underwear: very nice to have, but you can hardly go round telling everyone that you have got it.

  4. Hard luck - it is annoying to just miss an A - but there's little you can do about it except tell any interested parties how close you were! Now you've been accepted at your first choice there's no point in resitting, in my opinion. Your A level grades will mean much less than your uni results from now on. Good luck in the future.

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