
3. Do you think India is taking enough measures to combat climate change?

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3. Do you think India is taking enough measures to combat climate change?




  1. The word "enough" can`t be applied when were talking about climate combat measurements . There`s room for more....

  2. Oh god PLEASE somebody get a clue!

    Global Climate Change is an act of nature, its not a fight you can win. Deal with it and move on to real issues that can be addressed and solved.

  3. Well, they've already equalled the USA... (i.e. not much!)

    Seriously, "enough" is subjectrive. As one person said, there's always room for more.

    If we were to try and objectify the question by making it quantitative, perhaps we could say that all countries should aim to have the same GHG emissions per capita - that'd be fair...

    So, the US would have to cut emissions by 98% and then they would be the same as India!

    Or to put it the other way round, India is already 50X as virtuous as the States!

    There's no real way to answer your question...

  4. They're a major polluter for sure.

    But climate change?  Yes, they have taken more than adequate steps, whatever they are, to fight it.  Any further action isn't necessary.

  5. no!

  6. Absolutely!

  7. I guess they are trying, but its a much bigger issue. And the way should be led by developed countries who dump much much more CO2 in the atmosphere than developing countries.

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