
3. During 5 day test matches played in dry hot weather how will you keep yourself well hydrated?

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  1. Thats a really good question. Truly reflecting the "sportsman" spirit of Rehman bhai. I think you're asking from a players point of view. Yes it requires a lot of physical coping during that long period. Combating dehydration is one of the most important nutritional issues for any cricketer

    They would have to use their energy wisely.

    During all those 5 days, they need to have nutritious diet. Food intake needs to be well-timed to help with recovery between sessions.  Intake may need to be adjusted to match the activity level of each day with extra snacks being included on heavier days.

    Drink breaks are generally scheduled every hour.  Combating dehydration is an important issue, and cricketers should drink at least 250-500 ml of fluid at each drink break to replace sweat losses on hot days.  For active players such as batsmen, bowlers and the wicket-keeper, the provision of carbohydrate in these drinks may of additional benefit.

  2. Well Rehman as i am not a player i have to say i as a spectator would keep myself cool by drinking plenty of fluids,but i will also take a little babies pool so i could sit back and watch a great game in a nice cool pool,with an umberella for cover ofcause...

    If i was a player i would make suure i rehydrate by drinking say gatorade,and also keeping my fluide up by having regular drink breaks..If i was sitting on the bench-dehydrated i would ask for an ice vest to kkep me cool and also drink plenty of fluids,i have heard of players being so dehydrated they have had to have fluids given by intravenous drip.Best to keep drinking atleast every 15 minutes whilst in the sun...

  3. Well for a player, they should drink as much fluids as they possibly can before going out on the field!! And wait for a drinks break. But if they get so thirsty before a drinks break, then maybe get the 12th man to get them drinks!!

    As a spectator, take as many water bottles as u can to the match!! But make sure u keep them in a bag or in shade before the sun makes the water hot!!

  4. drink lots and lots of fluids agian and again

  5. as a spectator, I have ample experience.

    As a player, I don;t tend to spend too long at the crease for it to become a problem. As for fielding, the boundary is normally within easy reach!

    The problem starts if the sods ask me to bowl! I know I am a partnership breaker, but..... isn't always the partnership they are thinking of that I am!

    Edit: And the partnerships I am thinking of are batting ones. Anything else is mere supposition and conjecture.

  6. Do you mean as a player, or spectator? As a player I would follow Brett Lee's advice on keeping oneself hydrated(it's too involved to repeat here) They do a test on you to see how much fluid you lose in an hour, then work out how much you need to drink to replace it, That is why you see Brett having lots of fluid during play from an ice chest on the boundry. If you mean as a spectator, i would take an insulated bag containing plastic bottles of water & drink at regular intervals, don't eat too much sweet or salted foods & wear a hat

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