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1) If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking, and there no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

2) If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is it homeless or naked?

3) What was the best thing before sliced bread?




  1. Depends


    definitely NOT water

  2. Yes to the first

    he's naked

    whole bread? I don't have anything for this one

  3. 1) He's obviously lost

    2) He's posing for turtle pornography weekly

    3) yeast

  4. 1. a woman is always should be a law...

    2. the turtle is naked and sad

    3. unsliced bread with butter and jelly/ jam on the side...yum....

  5. 1) If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking, and there no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

    ~~  Yes, of course he is wrong!  What he says is heard by the trees and carried to the women by the breeze!

    2) If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is it homeless or naked?

    ~~  Neither homeless or naked just out of ammunition!

    3) What was the best thing before sliced bread?

    ~~  The Electric Toothbrush, License Plates, TV remote control, Soap, Pooper-Scooper to name a few!!!.

  6. 1. He is only wrong if he thinks he's right.

    2. Neither, its shell-less

    3. H2O

  7. 1.wrong for what? speaking? no

    2.its cold

    3.sliced cheese

  8. 1) nope, hes just an idot talking to himself!

    2) neither, Its faster as it has less weight to carry around =)

    3) the knife they sliced the bread with!

  9. 1) of course he are always wrong about everything!!!!

    2) Naked i'd say...the shell isn't a home, it just protects them. and HA a naked turtle is a funny thought!

    3) TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. 1) Haha yeah because he is a Man.

    2) Naked and homeless. He was naked in his house haha so now that he lost his house he is exposed. :O

    3) Uhh sliced turkey. sliced bread was only good because you can put the turkey on it.

  11. 1) if a man is talking then it is sure he is still wrong.

    2) naked,

    3) Night baseball

  12. 1) Yes, he'd still be wrong, because somewhere there is a woman that can hear that far away, and will be able to remember it 80 years later.

    2) It is homeless & naked. It should have gotten a rental.

    3) Uncle Thok's Mammoth and Parsnips stew with braised Sabre Loin.

  13. hmmm i'm hungry

  14. 1)- no he's not wrong!he's probably talking to a ghost lady

    2)- it's neither!it's either moving or just came out of the shower!

    3)- banana split!



  15. men are always wrong

    the turtle is shell-less

    and well...unsliced bread??  


  16. he doesn't need to speak in the first place.

    he's pissed.

    the donut.

  17. 1) yes

    2) its dead

    3) unsliced bread...DELISH

  18. 1) He will always be wrong.

    2) He's homeless and naked


  19. It depends what he is talking about...

    It is homelessly naked

    Sliced Pie

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