
3 Wisdom teeth being pulled out! SO FREAKIN' SCARED!!!!!! :(?

by Guest31703  |  earlier

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o.k., so I already had one of my wisdom teeth pulled out and four permanent along with it. I had a swollen cheek the size of a hot air balloon and I felt like ****, but the swolleness subsided after like 3 or 4 days, (I don't remember exactly, it was like two years ago...) But then I guess the bone thingy or something like that he grafted into the tooth or whatever had a "splinter" or something, like it was supposed to dissolve? I have no idea, but he just pulled it out, it was like a splinter he said, yeah, I don't know what I'm talking about, but, I need to look "normal" after three days after the surgery, so I was wondering if this could be possible, or should I reschedule later on because I don't want look horrible on picture day. Uuggh, I hated the needle and oh, I just really don't like this kind of stuff, but they say the sooner the better. You see, I was orignially a jaw surgery candidate, but instead I wanted braces, and now I'm wearing retainers, and now this...again. Will it hurt a lot worse because now there's 3 instead of 1 wisdom tooth? Oh my gosh, I seriously am like crying while typing this out...I seem to be able all kinds of pain except this kind...please help and answer my questions! Thank you very much, and also real dentists and ortho surgeon comments would be helpful. Sorry I wrote a lot, lol! :)




  1. Yeah it will probably be seriously uncomfortable for several days so take lots of painkillers (maybe the dentist can give you stronger ones than otc) but it will get better and it won't kill you.

    The thing with painkillers is, don't wait till it's unbearable but take them right away to keep on top of things.

  2. Everyone I know that has gotten their wisdom teeth out was still swollen on the third day so you should probably reschedule. My face wasn't back to normal for a week.

    Getting more teeth out doesn't really hurt more, it just hurts in more places. The best thing to do is take the medicine they give you (my doctor gave me Vicodin), keep ice on it, rest a lot and stay hydrated.

    With the painkillers I felt no pain, just a little bit of pressure on my face from it being swollen.

    And usually you can the option of being put under. If your doctor doesn't maybe look for another one. Mine gave me some gas to make me relaxed and then put me right out. I'm so scared of needles but really the second they put it in your arm you're out. I didn't even remember going home. I just woke up in my mom's bed hours later lol.

  3. your a guy... deal with it... i juss got all 4 out and they were all empacted... theres worse things in this world! deal!

  4. How much swelling you get after the procedure sort of depends on the condition of the teeth being removed and what it takes to actually get them out.  If your wisdom teeth haven't actually been in place for more than a few months, then you may actually luck out with all this.  Then again, you may just own a face and mouth that don't like being messed with at all- some people do, and they end up like chipmunks for the slightest thing.  Since you dread all this so badly, why not speak with the dentist or oral surgeon and ask about conscious sedation.   You may even be able to have regular sedation.  With conscious sedation, they use some gas to get you nice and relaxed, and you just don't really care what they do.  With regular sedation, you have an IV started, and you sleep through the entire procedure.  Either of those will help you stay chilled for the process of actual removal.  Afterwards, you can help with the swelling by using ice on your face for the first 24 hours, and drinking a lot of ice cold fluid.  For the ice packs, I suggest small packages of frozen peas, as they will conform to your face a lot easier than regulation ice packs do.  Several packages in the freezer, that way you have one to use and spares.  All the cold fluid will help limit the swelling to start with.  So will staying upright as much as you can, since gravity does work well to pull excess fluid from the face.  After 24 hours of ice, swap to moist heat.  That brings in extra blood supply to carry away the excess fluid, and to help hasten healing a bit.  Plus during all this, you want to stick to your after care instructions without deviation.  As far as pain goes, again- that depends a lot on what it will take to actually get those teeth out.  If they are rooted in the jawbone, then it takes a bit more and there's more damage done- so obviously there's a bit more pain.  Ask your dentist if he will suture your lower mouth, that helps prevent dry socket happening.  It's not as big a risk for top teeth.  If the teeth do not have roots in the jawbone, then the damage is mostly in the gums and that doesn't tend to hurt nearly as bad.  Either way, you will have pain medications to cover you for the first few days- which are usually the worst.  It really isn't worth putting this off, even for picture day.  For one thing, they will always return for makeup photos, and you can have it taken then.  Wisdom teeth never improve in waiting, and you would not like it at all if they got impacted and infected.  Then the procedure is bad no matter how you look at it.  You can also hold out some hope.  My son had two removed from the bottom, shortly after they came in.  He had it done with light sedation, had sutures, and was home looking for dinner that evening.  He went out to the movies with friends afterwards.  My daughter had two taken out, with the usual shots, and also went out with friends that same evening.  Of course, neither one had an infection or any problems with the removal.  I had a roommate that put it off, though- and she suffered something awful.  Two of the teeth had become rooted, and two of four got infected.  Her procedure was not pretty at all, and she was in misery.  She put it off in fear and for the homecoming game at college.  So she ended up spending Thanksgiving drinking Ensure while everyone else chowed down on turkey.  My advice is to simply have it done, the sooner the better.  Then it's done and over with, as fortunately wisdom teeth don't regrow for the majority of people.  After all, you endured the braces, and now the retainer just so you'd have the nice smile.  So why mess up all that work now?  Grit your teeth, and get it done.  You might be in for a nice surprise, and it may not be near so bad as you dread.  At any rate, the result won't be any better for the waiting.  When there is something unpleasant to be faced, better to face it and be done than live in the dread of it.

  5. Hi Glen,  I know that getting your wisdom teeth pulled freaks most people out,but like everyone has been telling you, the sooner the better!!!  I am a Registered Dental Asst. so I have seen a lot of Pt's. have that done and most of the time the swelling goes down in a day or two.  You should be just fine for your pictures!!!!  Hope that this helped!!  LOL Jackie

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