
3 car collision with the a car in front being cut off?

by Guest58091  |  earlier

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I was driving and was forced to stop suddenly when the car in front of me stopped.

I did not hit the car infront, nor was i hit. But the car behind me was, as the car behind him was rear ended, forcing the car into the car infront.

The car behind me was not initially hit, but was 'tapped' when the car behind him was hit, and hence forced into the car in front.

Apparantly the car in front of me was cut off, and hence that is why he stopped so suddenly. Is this the fault of the car that cut the other car off? or is it the fault of the car at the end of the pack?




  1. In Australia if you run into a vehicle from behind you are at fault. No matter what has happened in front. The reasoning behind this is, if you hit some one from behind, you were travelling to close to the front vehicle. You must at all times travell at a safe distance behind. This is to give you room to stop in any event, such as some one stopping unexpectedly in front of you.

  2. when you hit a car from behind you are at fault.  i understand that "logically" it would be the person who 1st cut off the driver in front as he caused this chain reaction.  that's not how its looked at legally though.  when you hit a car from behind its because you were too close to stop in time.   unfortunately that's how its looked at in most states.

  3. i work for an insurance broker so i hope this helps - the car in front was not involved in the accident. the guy who started the knocking on behind you will end up paying for the repairss to each car (well their insurers anyway) in a pile up like that where A hits B who inturn hits C - C will claim from B who will inturn claim from A.

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