
3 cm dilated 60 percent effaced, how soon should I be heading to the hospital? ?

by  |  earlier

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If not how might I speed thing up?




  1. You should go now! At 4 cm , you can an epidural! Don't take a chance! Congrats and I hope you have a fast and easy delivery!

  2. i am 3 cm dialated and 85 % effaced but im not in ACTIVE labor. You gotta have the contractions with the dialation ( I'm not sure if you do or not cause it didnt say) But as soon as you get some steady painful contractions i would say to go for it!!

  3. Not until you suspect you are in labor, which means contractions that are about 5-7 minutes apart and are intense enough to really get your attention.

    If you are ever unsure, call your doctor.

    You can try all the old wives tales in the book - walking, s*x, squatting, etc., but honestly when your body is ready it will happen.

  4. I am 3 cm and 100 percent effaced and my doctor said it could stay like that for weeks, but he guessed sometime in the next few days. He stripped my membranes to help speed things up, might be working, I'm having some cramping. Maybe ask your doctor to do this?

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