
3 cushion pool becoming big or not? I think it will.?

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3 cushion pool becoming big or not? I think it will.?




  1. Three cushion is popular in Latin and South America.  As for the US, it is viewed (by people I know) as being boring, along with straight pool and snooker.  What they are really saying is that it takes more skill than 9-ball or 8-ball and isn't made for TV.  

    It's a shame.  The best players in pool are three cushion billiards players, not the local nine ball shark.

  2. Three cushion was extremely popular...about 100 years ago, before pocket billiards took the reigns (in the USA). So actually, it has lost it's popularity, not gained.

    Anyway, there are a few tables around town, and I've only seen anyone playing once, and they didn't look like they knew what they were doing. I don't think we'll be seeing the World 3 Cushion Championships on ESPN anytime soon.

  3. It's doubtful that it will come back in a big way.  Most larger pool halls in America will have at least one carom table, but it just doesn't have the mainstream appeal that pocket billiards does.  ESPN did actually air a 3-cushion match about a week ago.  Unfortunately, I was working and couldn't watch it.  Who knows?  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  4. No its kinda boring but very skillful

  5. Hate to be the one to break it to ya dude, but... 3-cushion billiards coming back as a major force in pool... has about as much chance as Freddy and the Dreamers making a giant comeback in rock 'n' roll.

  6. Bout on a par with Balkline or straight rail like Matt says a hundred years ago maybe but not lately

  7. when i was in the philippines for 2 months last year, i seen a few matches on tv there, but pool mostly 9 ball was on all the time there, wish it was on here like that.  can't wait to get my 10ft billiard table installed, i believe it wil heighten my safety game to the next level. i doubt if it will become more mainstream to the casual player, nor be on tv, unless they finally come out with the billiard channel, which never happened, after all of the talk and hype of it. they cant even run full 9 ball tournys on espn, because they have to skip many racks, because after almost everyrack played, the have espn commericals, advertising espn, over and over. come on make it 1 1/2 hours and show every rack. no need to advertise sportcenter commericals every 15 minutes, as they done run the sports ticker on the bottom during matches, telling you scores of ballgames. no scence in advertising their own network every 15 minutes   argggg  another petpeve, which i dont understand lol  3coushion players makes great all around players, in my opinion.

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