
3 day diet help ?!?!?

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what can i replace for the hard boiled eggs and hot dogs. what do i eat for the 4 days soo i dont gain the wieght back. thanks can i loose the full ten pounds by riding 8 miles a day tooo

please dont tell me not to do this i am

i didnt get any answers in the diet and fitness




  1. my aunt is on this diet and surprisingly it actually works, but she isnt losing 10 pounds a week it is more like 2-4 pounds each week and she hasnt substituted anything so im not sure about that and i think riding 8 miles a day is going to help a lot so you might lose more and as for the 4 days off i would say just eat healthy and not to over eat some good ideas would be try to cut back on starches and sweets, eat salads and plenty of fruit and try not to drink soft drinks

  2. i wont try to tell you not to do this, but i can almost promise that you wont loose 10 pounds in 3 days. youd be lucky to loose five. even with strenuous exercise and extreme dieting most people can only loose 4 to 5 pounds a week, any more than that and youd be looking at a possible eating disorder. the healthiest weight loss progress an average person can make is 2 pounds per week with regular diet and exercise. it would be much healthier to make this into a longer goal and it would also benefit you in that it is much easier to keep weight off.

  3. there are no miracle working diets. I'm sorry, but it's true. Weight loss pills don't work, and neither do most diets. This diet may work, but trust  me, it gets tiring to even do this for less than 3 days. Eat healthy and excercise. That is truthfully how u loose weight. Also, DIETS don't work cuz u just gain the weight back. Therefore, u have to make a LIFESTYLE that u can keeps for the REST OF UR LIFE!! Good luck!! =0)

  4. just don't eat so much junk and just work out'll eventually loose weight

  5. if it's the cardiac diet you can't sub anything. and you eat whatever for the 4 days. i've done this diet twice before. you'll lose the 10 pounds as long as you follow the diet EXACTLY.  during the 4 days i'd just eat not too much and do some exercising to tone up some.  

  6. didnt you see the...



  7. Eat salad and lean meats (i.e skinless chicken, fish)  and do a lot of cardio.  

  8. i know you dont want to hear it but i dont think you should do it just keep exercising and eat healthier not necessarily less

  9. u can't substitute anything for anything b/c it says you have to do exactly what it says..
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