
3 days late, no period....... bfn? WTF?????

by  |  earlier

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ok ok, this is driving me crazy. i hav cycles 25 days apart. im on clomid i am late but i tested and got BFN yesterday. (not fmu)

has this happened to anyone? i didnt tell hubby cuz he thinks i freak over anything. LOL but this time its true, i am three days late with BFN. when should i call dr and ask for blood test? i norm spot a few days then bleed......... not even a spot.




  1. You could just get a home pregnancy test and then that would put your mind at ease.  Are you stressed or anything, because that would delay your period.

  2. I was on clomid for a few cycles with no luck, but it did happen to me  as well i was a few days late for my monthly.

    This was actually one was a question of mine a while ago , if you google clomid it will give you some great advice i went threw so much when i was on it that i wont take it again . have you taken a hpt ?

    By now it will show if you are or arent preggo. But i am wishing you the very best.

  3. 3 days late ...too early to test try again in a week allow for your hormones to build

  4. I would see how you go maybe like you said you usually spot then bleed leave it for a week if you still haven't had your period try another HPT if it's positive or negative go to the doctors and get blood work done to confirm it either way sometimes a woman doesn't produce enough HCG level in the urine for it to work on HPT's  i do wish you luck.

  5. Go to a DR.

  6. I think you should wait another 3/4 days and then re-test. It will give more time for hcg to build up in your system and then hopefully you'll get the bfp you are waiting for

  7. I am in the same boat - 2 days late and just got a BFN. I guess i'll have to wait for another 3 days or so and test again. Had some very light spotting yesterday but nothing afterward. AF is driving me nuts!

  8. Okay, WHAT?

    Your cycle will not always be exactly 25 days apart.

    Wait a while longer.

  9. Test again in a week.  Your cycle might have been longer this time, which means you would have conceived later than you thought.

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