
3 days overdue-why cant i sleep??

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im overdue by 3 days or so and i havent been able to sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time for a week or more. im having cramps and a lot of pressure, but nothing regular enough to be labour. has anyone any experience of this and/or advice???




  1. you are overdue honey...being pregnant is one thing, but having a baby be overdue...girl good luck

  2. My due date is today, but i haven't been able to sleep for a while.  I can't get comfy no matter what I do.  I can't roll over without crying because my lower region hurts so bad.  Try sleeping with pillows propping you up though, also my Dr. said I can take Tylenol PM or benidryl to help me sleep.

  3. Just try to relax. You more than likely can't sleep due to the anxiety and anticipation. Not to mention the fact that you are probably very uncomfortable right now :) My OB also told me I could take Tylenol PM to help me sleep. It is nothing more than Benadryl and Tylenol. If you are having pressure and cramping I would say put your bag in the car and be ready :)  Sounds like it will be soon!!!  

  4. I went through the same thing for 5 days it was horrible. Eventually she came and I forgot all about the sleeplessness and the being uncomfortable. Just hang in there and try to stay relaxed as much as possible try to stay relaxed as much as possible. I got tea specifically designed for a night time relaxation it seemed to help me.

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