
3 dead today....any ideas?

by Guest45482  |  earlier

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i have an 4 year old established 55 gallon tank with a fluval filter. last week we bought 2 healthy orange gouramis and just today have 3 dead fish (2 barbs and a rummy nose tetra). other inhabitants in the tank consist of 3 clown loaches, 3 yoyo loaches, 4 rummy nose tetras, one giant tiger barb (very peaceful guy), and one old neon tetra. why would 3 drop dead today?? i do not see any obvious disease present in our tank? should we treat it generally for a disease? help..these fish are our pride and joy!!




  1. the water you transfered your new fish in was contaminated.

  2. Aww i dont know how the poor little fishies might have died. maby it was agression, filters powerfull stream, lack of food. or maby a disase that you couldn't tell.

    AND DONT LISTEN TO THAT GUY! Fish and dogs die for a reason. a reason that they were diagnosed with something that couldnt be cured it wasnt meant to be. they were destined to.

    Good luck

  3. wow! no idea, i guess.

  4. check your ammonia and nitrate levels sounds like your over crowding and the waste is building up to high of toxic levels you  may also want to try a 50%water change if you do find the levels high

  5. Maybe the other fish in that tank aren't compatible with the new fishh or whichever that died

  6. You did not quarantine your new fish from the store carry a bunch of bad bacteria and diseases..maybe you were just lucky until now if you have been introducing fish without quarantining tht none of your fish have ever died...the diseases might surface up in a week or two..nothing might be obvious now...

  7. go and ask at the pet store or ask a vet..  

  8. Did you float the bags?  

  9. fish die like dogs for no good reason

  10. not sure... did you recently change your filter?  did the power go out and come back on?

    could be a variety of things, even succumbing to old age

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