
3 guys?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!/?

by  |  earlier

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ok so theres these 3 guys i like and i guess they all like me one has a gf another is a flirt and the 3rd one never talks to me...i miss having a bf...should i ask one of them out or wait until 1 asks me????




  1. Go out with all three!

  2. Ask NONE of them out.  The one who has a girlfriend is defiantly a bad choice.  If He breaks up with her for you he could just as easily break up with you for another girl.  And DO NOT be the girl on the side.  Guys never leave their g/f's for you.  The flirt I'm assuming flirts with everyone?  Do you want to be in  relationship with someone who flirts with other girls?  And why on earth would you want to be with someone who does not talk to you?  

    You want a boyfriend.  Who doesn't?  But NEVER settle for less than you deserve.  Good things come to those you wait so patience my dear, patience.

  3. well from how you described them, they will never ask you out, so you will have to take it in your own hands, so go ahead and ask one of them out!

  4. Get it done, its saturday.

  5. If you want something then go for it

  6. well forget about the one that has a gf

    the one thats a flirt wait till he makes a move (cuz he will)

    and the one that doesnt talk then you talk to him


  7. go for the flirt because he would be the most fun to hang out with!

    good luck!

  8. Best not to wait around. Worst case scenario: You still have two others you could ask.

    Edit: Well, if you haven't ignored this already, then ignore it now. I didn't think this one through as much as some of my other responses. The person below me gave much better advice:

    "well forget about the one that has a gf

    the one thats a flirt wait till he makes a move (cuz he will)

    and the one that doesnt talk then you talk to him."

  9. From lots knowledge about guys and the best ones out there. go out with the one that never talks to you... if he really likes you like you say. he is probably a very nice, and extremely smart person who will treat you very well.. as for the other two: any guy who has a gf already and wants to go out with you will find another gf after he does go out with you and you will get hurt. as for the flirt.. hes an *** hole and a dumbass.

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