
3 hours to convince someone to stay in England?

by  |  earlier

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How would you keep them here without resorting to suicide threats.




  1. I'll stay, I'll stay--just get me there, please!

  2. get them drunk

  3. tell them u need them in your life so u will have company

  4. Depends on how you feel about him/her. If you are in love with him/her, tell them how you feel and that you can't live without them. If its just a friend then maybe you should think about whats best for them. Is he/she leaving for a good job or family? Or do they just wanna get the h**l outta England. Be careful with your decision because you don't wanna keep him/her from a great experience just because of your own selfishness. You know what I mean? Also if you keep them there and they do miss something great then they may hate you later in life for keeping them from doing it in the first place. It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity? Think about this person first and then make the right decision. Also, follow your heart! Good Luck!!!

  5. Confess your love for them. Explain to them every logical reason you can think of of why they should stay and why you need them to stay.

    Good luck!!

  6. Lets see...  well we have the NHS (failing)...  Schools (failing)...  Property boom (failed)...  err...

    Nope, can't think of much i'm afraid.

    If it's for personal reasons you want them to stay then why not ask yourself what's right for THEM.

  7. Tell them how you feel, tell him that you want him to stay.

  8. It really depends on what's best for the person.

    If they really want to leave then you should just let them.

    It sort of isn't up to you if they really want to leave. Unless they're coming to kill someone or something bad like that then you should just let them bee.



  9. Steal their passport - but make it so that they think theyve lost it .

    I think this is how id do it if i HAD to ...

    or.. tell them your pregnant and you NEED them ..

    or change the clocks so they miss their flight :p

    or puncture their tyres , tell them you've won the lottery,sleep with them ..uhh ..i dont know what relation this person is to you so maybe not all of these lol X

  10. lock them in a room so they miss their flight! ha no

    just yea tell them every reason don't stop talking till they agree , cry

  11. OMG, just say that there is massive flooding going on in the state that he/she wants to go to.

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