
3 kids who can't swim + inground pool = DISASTER!?

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We just moved about 2 months ago into a little bigger house with more bedrooms so nobody has to share. Were putting an inground pool in. We bought one of those 3ft blow-up pools just to cool off in until the pool was finished. Everything is done (inculding the testing of the water). Now I'm so nervous that someones going to fall in or something. We have a gate ground it, but the same gate also has the deck and some of the yard. What rules should we have? There are 3 kids who can't swim.




  1. take the 1s who can't swim to swimming lessons. have the 1s who can swim go get a ice-cream or something. when the kids who can't swim learn how to they can go.

      have ur kids have a buddy. 1 of there brothers or sisters that get along with them. have them make shore that they always know where they r. at the end of the day if they did a good job give them a treat.

                                 hope that helps!

  2. Adult supervision at all times.  They don't go outside without you.  End of discussion.  I would also suggest putting a child proof gate just around the pool.  As well as a cover when its not being used.

  3. Don't go outside without them. There's soo many kids who die because of that and it's so sad. But keep the pool because I lovloelove swimming and wish for a pool sooo badly, lol, so they're gonna want it when they get older most likely. Anyways, yeah theyre young anyways! I mean one years old, and three years old? That's young, they shouldn't be outside alone anywyas, so just make sure their always supervised.

  4. You should have a separate gate around the pool, one that separates your back door from the pool and play areas.  

    You should have a sensor that detects when someone is in the pool.  

    You should consider a pool cover, that rolls over the pool when it is not in use, and can prevent drowning, if properly installed.

    You should have an adult-only latch on your back door to keep kids out .

    Remember that even when you are right there, you won't hear anyone drowning.  Unless you are looking right at them, you won't see it happen.

    The kids who can't swim should get lessons immediately.   Start working with them to teach them how to go hand to hand along the pool edge to the steps, and see if you can teach them that when you let go of them in the pool near the edge, to grab the edge.    Then, work with them until they can dog paddle 2 or 3 feet to the edge.   Then work with them until you can drop them in and they can grab the edge.  

    If your pool does not have one, consider adding a rail on the inside, below the edge, so that a child who is going under has a rail to grab.  

    You are right to be afraid.   Be very careful.

  5. Teach them how to swim or get them into swim lessons.  Otherwise, you will need to be outside with them any time they are out there.  Kids can't always be trusted to follow rules.

  6. Get one of those alarms that sit in the pool, and if the water moves at all, an alarm goes off in the house..Very cool...I have known too many children die or become brain dead because of pools. I refuse to get one..but, if I did, that would be the way to go.

  7. I would never have done that. Whether they CAN swim or not, youre just asking for it.

    Thanks for the thumbs down people. Im just looking out for the kids. I dont know what your motivation was for thumbing my answer down, but I know of waaaaaaay too many instances of kids drowning in an inbound pool, whether they live in the home or jump the fence. It only takes 3 seconds for a toddler to wander away and be found at the bottom of the pool.

    PJB88: I noticed your answer got thumbed too. I guess people on Y/A just dont care about children.

    btw, Im sorry for your loss.

    PJB88: Thats why people should take time to get to know people instead of reacting. If only they knew I was a stay at home dad for 8 years and raised 3 babies.

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