
3 letter word name of island in ireland that ends with the letter "R"?

by Guest59479  |  earlier

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3 letter word name of island in ireland that ends with the letter "R"?




  1. The kid is right in his comment. BTW there are dozens of islands strarting with R. And with R in the middle and with as few as 4 letters but there is no three-lettered island name that I know of and I have been sailing Irish waters for years abd certainly none ending with R. However I am NOT familiar with the 100 islands in Clew Bay, most of which are only an acre or two.

  2. SAR? you need a better hobby...........

  3. Its not Ireland its Scotland  Ayr

  4. There's an island off Ireland that begins with "R" see below.

  5. There is no island off Ireland by the name of SAR and no island off the coast of Ireland with 3 letters and ending in r

  6. You also have the Skelligs down off the coast of Kerry:  Skellig Beag and Skellig Mor - small and big............

  7. "Inis Mor" - one of the Aran Islands on the west coast,

    the largest of 3 (means large or big [mor] island [inis)]).

    Pronounced "in-ish more". Dont think the locals abreviate it to Mor though ,0)

    Also a place called "Tor Rocks", off north coast, most northerly point in fact, beyond Tory Island but dont know the Irish name for them.

    Also think there is a "Tor Mor" - so there may well be just a Tor

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