
3 lines on a music sheet, what 2 lines to play if on piano?

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There is 2 lines on a piano music sheet, one for left hand , one for right hand.

I saw some piano music sheets that have 3 lines of music on them O_O

which one do i play ??




  1. Probably the bottom two. Most of the time the top line is a melody line for a singer or solo instrument.

  2. Piano music sometimes breaks into three staves if the music becomes very complex and squeezing it all onto two staves would make it difficult to read. You have to play all three lines, working out what is played with your left hand and what with your right.

    Organ music will also often appear with three staves (right hand, left hand, pedals (played with the feet)).

  3. It might just be the bottom two though it depends weather he top line is a tune for another instrument

  4. Normally it's the bottom two because in general the first line is for the singer =)

  5. All three - unless it's obviously for another instrument. For instance Rachminiov's C# minor prelude has two systems at the end, so it has FOUR parts. The extra line is included because of big and rapid jumps (where an octava line would be confusing) or due to very complex rhythms.

  6. usually you have to play the line on the bottom with your left and, and shift your right hand between the other two lines (it depends from which line contains the melody)

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