
3 mistakes hilter made in conduct to ww2?

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3 mistakes hilter made in conduct to ww2?




  1. Hitler's Mistakes During WWII

    1. Started too late in the year (1941), by the time they reached Moscow, the coldest winter in years hit and the Werhmact was totally unprepared.

    2. Guderian's Panzers were diverted south at the gates to Moscow in 1941.

    3. Again in 1942, the Germans made the fatal mistake of splitting Army Group South in two culminating in the debacle at Stalingrad and the failure to reach to Caucasus oil fields.

    4. The Soviets were into a mindset of ordering important and troop saving withdrawals. At Stalingrad the Germans lost 25% of their entire operational strength in the Eastern Front, a heavy blow by all accounts but NOT decisive. It would however be the main factor for Germany's not being able to complete the conquest of Russia.

    5. The Germans blew another chance during their offensive in the summer of 1943. Against Guderian's opinion that the production of Tiger and Panther tanks should be up to operational standards, Hitler launched the ill fated offensive at Kursk. The results being the destruction of the panzer armies. The fact that the German still had the capability to launch an offensive of this magnitude in 1943 proves that Stalingrad was not a decisive turning point in the war. From then on, it was just a delaying tactical war against the Red Army.

    6. On the western front, two mistakes come to mind: stopping his tanks and allowing the BEF to escape to Britain via Dunkirk, and switching from the bombing of airfields and radar stations to London and other cities....the RAF was nearly brought to its knees before that 'miracle.'

    7. Hitler made the mistake of diverting resources to multiple designs, rather than picking the best and staying with it... example is the multiple tank designs.

    8. The Russians were resilient, as one German officer stated, "attacking Russia was like an elephant stamping out ants, you killed thousands, maybe millions, but in the end their number told and you were eaten to the bone."  

  2. major one.

    making sure Britain was beat and securing the Western Front.

    starting War with the USSR very stupid!

    wasting time implementing the final solution, and letting too many jews flee to the USA where they successfully managed to lobby America into fighting a war against the Germans

  3. 1) Not finishing the British army off in Dunkirk when he had the chance

    2) Switching from attacking the airfields to the cities in the Battle of Britain - handing dominance of the air over Britain to the British

    3) Invading the USSR - he was never going to win.

    4) Declaring war on the US after Pearl Harbor - he was never going to win.

    I know it's 4, but they are all equally important.

  4. Invading russia

    canciling the invasion of Britian

    Declaring war on America

  5. 1) Invading Poland in 1939 (he had promised his Naval Admirals no war for 5+ more years, so they could build a larger & better fleet)

    2) Switched from attacking the RAF to cities

    3) Invading the USSR

    4) Taking power to decide force deployment & orders away from those trained (stupid Corporal HItler)

    5) Not dying after the German Army tried to kill him with a bomb.

  6. Hitler made multiple errors. He may have been a political genius, but a military genius he was not. He always remained a corporal pretending to be Napoleon, something much resented by the college educated army officers.

    His first mistake was invading Poland. He should have known that Britain and France would declare war (they did warn him), but he thought them too cowardly to fight. His second major error was to occupy non-combatant countries like Norway, Denmark, Holland and Belgium, thus alienating world opinion against him. Then there was Dunkirk, and the list goes on and on.

  7. His biggest was without a doubt starting a two front war. He should have at least waited until he finished off Britain before breaking the n**i-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and attacking the USSR. Also he should have planned that invasion better. Napoleon made the mistake of invading Russia in the winter, Hitler decided to wait until spring. However, the Red Army put up more resistance than he expected and the invasion lasted over a year and the German army had no winter supplies. Also, he shouldn't have switched from bombing military targets in Britain to civilian ones. This allowed Britain to rebuild its factories and make vital war materials.

  8. 1.) Breaking the ceasefire with Russia.

    2.) THE BIGGEST ONE: fighting a war on two fronts; see point 1

    3.) Failing to implement the V2 rocket early on in the war.

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