
3 molting hermit crabs all at once?

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I just got them like 2 days ago and they all have buried themselves under a piece of wood in the sand and I'm wondering if all three are getting ready to molt? Is this possible and would they all really want to be near each other?




  1. it is possible but they are nocturnal s while you are sleeping they probably come out and crawl around then go back and bury themselves under the wood again but it is possible they are molting try to get up very early and watch them just in case......

  2. It is possible that they are molting, whether they want to be near each other or not is less likely, since hermit crabs may prey on each other. If they are not molting, it is likely that they are simply hiding to protect themselves. My 2 hermits do odd things like that from time to time.

  3. Hermit crabs like to bury themselves, they do not only do it when molting.  While it is possible that they are molting, they could be stressed-from the change in habitat most likely.  

    Is it warm enough?  Remember, they are tropical creatures.  They tend to "hibernate" if they get cold, and if they remain that way for a long period of time, it will kill them.

    Is the humidity level high enough for them?

    Do they have a food and two water sources (one fresh and one salt)?  

    Being near each other is not a concern.  They actually like company-they do better in groups (which you probably know).  

    I hope this helps!

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