
3 month old LONG night sleep?

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My 3 month old will sleep for 10 hours overnight, every night. Is this too long to go without a feeding?




  1. no not at all my son use to sleep well and is ok nothing at all wrong with him at all now 23+21 wish my youngest would sleep that long once in a while

  2. It seems long to me, but if the baby is growing and developing normally, I'd say  count it as a blessing.  If the baby isn't gaining weight, I'd wake him to feed him once through the night.  

    Are you giving him or her anything to eat besides breast milk or formula?  That could affect sleeping patterns.

    With my kids, it was my experience that sleeping through the night was more dependent on their weight than their age.  They all started sleeping through the night when they hit 12 pounds.

  3. Honey if your 3 month old sleeps that long let them.  I'm sure they will let you know when they are hungry.

    What a good little baby and lucky you!!! :)  Get your sleep don't listen to anyone else unless its your babies pediatrician.  If you are really nervous about it call the dr. and ask if its okay.

  4. no sure isnt i know a ton of babies that are that age and go 10 hrs without a feeding. i wasnt able to do that with my son. he was a preemie so i made sure to wake him every 2 hrs and then once he realized he had to eat he started waking every 1hr - 1hr and half for a feeding. which was tireing but soo worth it to help him grow. so if yuor baby was normal weight then i say its fine but if you had a preemie i would wake them around 4hrs. goodluck!

  5. well i dont think that its too long,, because i know that my 3 month old is the same way.. he could sleep for ours on end... they wake up when they are hungry just like we do, so dont worry

  6. Nope my twins sleep 9:30pm - 10:30am every night (I work nights so it pays off) babies grow while they sleep so the more sleep the better I love it my twins wake up at 10:30am with big smiles every morning and then I feed them there oatmeal (they are 5 months old) and a bottle they play for a bit and off for a 2 1/2 hour nap!!  lol then they are up till about 5 then they take a 1 hour nap then up till bed!!  I love it I read this book 12 hours by 12 weeks best book I ever read in all my life!!  

  7. That is fine, i would relish it while it lasts.  My son slept for 8 hours from 7 weeks.  Your baby will wake up if it is hungry, i wouldnt wake the baby up to feed it at all.  Enjoy the sleep while you can get it, as it can change as quick as the weather ....

  8. Being that young I would say yes, I would wake your baby up ever 4-5 hours for a feeding and then your baby will probably just fall right back asleep, it should help so that when ur baby wakes up in the morning she/he is screaming from hunger.

  9. not at all! my daugter started sleeping through the night at 2 weeks old. The first night she ever slept through she went to bed at 9pm and woke up the next morning at 7...shes 5 monthes old now and shell go to bed at 730 and wake up at wake up when shes hungary. just be happy she sleeps through the night!! :)

  10. No, my son was just like that too when he was 3mths. If your baby is hungry, she'll wake up. That's what my son is doing now and he's 4mths. How I miss those days when he would sleep through the night.

  11. Both my sons did that when they were 2 months old and slept through the night but my youngest he sleeps 12hrs 8pm til 8am! But this time i don't have to tend to a baby with a soother like i did with my oldest as he kept loosing and waking up to find it and then i would have to find it and give it back to him. My youngest never took to one so this time i was lucky! :) My youngest was a preemie born at 34 wks (6 wks early)

    So i think its normal for your 3 month old to sleep could also be in a growth spurt too. He/She will wake if he/she is hungry :) Be thankful that he/she is sleeping through the night!!! :) Good Luck!

  12. No way..! count your blessings. Your baby will wake up if he/she is hungry and believe me, they will let u know.

    My son started sleeping about 8hours from this age and now at 4 and a half months he sleeps around 10 with waking up once or twice to put his dummy back in.

    But yeah, sleep while you can because once they start teething, so i'm told, you wont get that much sleep at all

    So, as long as he is eating enough during the day, let him sleep =)

    Congrats on the baby!


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