
3 month old baby - birthmark question?

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My daughter was born with a large birthmark on the back of her head/nape of her neck. It's strawberry in colour and has lightened a little since birth but it isn't raised at all. My question is whether birthmarks can itch? A couple of times I have noticed a little blood spot on her sheet in the area that her neck would be and on closer inspection she does have a few little nicks in her birthmark. She also, continuously scratches around the back of her head/neck area on the birthmark area. She does have eczema which is related to a cows milk protein allergy but her eczema is concentrated on her face. Has anyone else had a baby with an itchy birthmark? If so, how did you cope with a baby that constantly scratches it? Should I be concerned? It has grown a little in size and somedays it seems a little redder.

I am going to mention it to my Doctor but I wondered if any other parents knew anything?





  1. my son also has a birthmark in the same area but it has never bothered him.

  2. It sounds like that "birthmark" is actually a patch of eczema.  Strawberry birthmarks do not itch.  My daughter has one and never scratches it.  If your daughter has eczema on her face it is very likely it would be on the back of her head too, especially since you said it changes in size and color - birthmarks do not do that.

  3. i had that as a baby and i still have it now.  my daughter has it.  it's bigger and more red when she's upset.  

    babies can't really localize sensation very well.  they feel an itch somewhere on their head and they will scratch their whole head.  i suggest keeping her nails trimmed close.

  4. a lot of babies have that when they are born

    it seems like it has something to do with the formation of a birthmark, some babies are born with normal brown birthmarks and some are born with red/pink ones. a lot of babys in my family have had that.

    it will turn brown like normal in time, the longest it's lasted was about 2 years. completelyealy normal.

    i guess if you want to know more about it ask your doctor. but its really nothing to worry about.

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