My daughter is just over 12 weeks, and for the last few weeks I have been waking her every 4 hours to feed, having 5 bottles between 7.00am and 11.30pm. But after posting a question on here a few days ago I am trying demand feeding today. She had 5oz at 8am, 7oz at 12.35pm and 6oz at 5.30pm, weighs 13lb. Would expect her to want another bottle about 10pm, will give her a bath before this, then to bed after bottle. As she has not had the 5 bottles I expect her to wake thro the night. I have been looking at other questions on here and the babies are feeding every 4 hours (5 bottles per day) and sleeping thro the night. How can I encourage this? I did read not to let her go more than 5 hours during the day without a bottle. Advice required please.
Also, how long do your babies take to feed? I'm not sure whether to try her on avent teat 3. She drank the 7oz bottle in 20 mins, with a quick burp half way thro. I do sometimes think she starts her bottle then gets a bit angry with it, I put her on my shoulder, then try again.
Your own experiences / advice appreciated. Thanks.