
3 month old baby wont sleep? CIO?

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I know most parents think it's cruel to do the CIO (Crying-It-Out) method to get their babies to sleep. My son is 3 month old breastfed baby and was sleeping 5-6 hours at night when he was born and was a predictable schedule. Now he can barely get through the night. At most he will only sleep for 4 hours and that's IF we let him sleep in our bed. He wakes up after 30 mins for naps during the day.

We dont think he's teething or anything like that. He cries till he gets rocked/walked around to sleep. It's beginning to be a real hassle. I've also been keeping track of how much sleep he is getting, in case it wasnt enough and was just over tired, he's getting his 13-15 hours of sleep. Any suggestions if not the CIO method?




  1. My little girl is 8 months and she went through that also and as long as you feed him enough milk and change his diaper he should have nothing to cry about but you may want to talk to your doctor because mine started breastfeeding and was making her have bad gas problems and they had to put her on a bottle with a special similac milk maybe it`s the t*t.

  2. You have unrealistic expectations for your (really quite young) infant. His sleep needs will change as he grows and develops.  

    There's nothing wrong with safe bedsharing, in fact it's the ideal for our species.  

    At this age, the only thing he will understand about the CIO method is that you will not attend to his needs and that he has been abandoned.  A three month old needs nothing more than to be fed and held by his parents.

  3. i dont really have any suggestions as such but someone at


  4. I think you're pretty lucky to have had a baby who slept 5 - 6 at a time so young.  Mine only slept for 2 hours at that age. Also, my son never ever took a nap until he was able to roll and sleep on his tummy.  Now he sleeps through the night but 3 months is quite young to be worrying about it.  My husband's cousin has a 13 months old who still doesn't sleep his nights.  Also, about the cio method, 3 months is too young.  At that age, they need to know they can count on you and need you there.

  5. I think 3 months is still a little young to cry it out, especially if he's still eating throughout the night. Maybe you could try getting him to sleep in his room after you've rocked/walked him to sleep at night. As for the naps, thats just how some babies sleep. If he's getting enough rest, I would wait until he's a little older and not eating through the night before maybe letting him cry it out.

  6. Maybe your baby is ready for weaning onto solid food. My children were brilliant sleepers until they were 3-4 months old, then they were like you describe with yours. My health visitor suggested that they were probably ready for solid food, which i did. Everything was brilliant thereafter, they slept for 10 hours solid a night!

    Speak to your midwife or health visitor and ask their advice

    Enjoy being a mum and try not to stress out, i know its hard but a baby can sense this and it can make them more restless!

    Hope things work out for you and know your not alone, thousands of mums out there are going through the same thing, there`s help out there, just don`t be afraid to ask....babies don`t come with a manual, unfortunately!

  7. So sorry that your child is such a hassle for you.  Don't get me wrong, my kids drive me freaking nuts some days...but I would never use the world "hassle" to describe anything about them.

    What's wrong with holding your child until he falls asleep?  

    Trust me when I say one day (very soon!) you'll look back on these days and WISH that you had these moments back to cuddle with him.  Take the opportunity now and cuddle with him.  Unless you think cuddling is a "hassle".

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