
3 month old not pooping?

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I have a 3month old daughter who has not pooped in a week. Is something wrong? Is there something I should give her or take her to the dr??




  1. Give her diluted juice in a bottle, she can have up to 4 oz in a day. If that doesnt work then take her to the doctor tomorrow.

  2. You don't mention how your daughter is fed.I know breastfed babies its normal to go anything up to 10 days without pooping.Around 3 months is when my daughter started going less frequently.She used to go daily then it became quite unpredictable, she's now 4 months and goes around every 4 days.I mentioned it to my health visitor who said the only time you need to be concerned is if it begins to look like rabbit droppings.If your unsure though call your doctor.

  3. Take her to the doctor ASAP!

  4. Take her to the doctor.  That is too long to go without pooping.  She must be so uncomfortable.  My son was so constipated at six months old that I used to have to give him enemas and then we discovered that he had a lot of food sensitivities and once we removed them from his diet he was fine.  Just make sure that if you try any foods with your baby that you introduce one food at a time so that if a food bothers her you will know which one bothered her.  When you introduce one food you should give it at least a few days before introducing another food.  With my son we used to try prune juice or liquid colace.  Ask your baby's doctor and good luck.

  5. After a week she needs an e***a - you can do that yourself, but take her to the doctor as well for advice.  

  6. It's not uncommon for a baby to go a week w/o pooping.  As long as she is eating and gaining weight.  Are you breastfeeding or formula feeding?  This is common w/breastfed babies.  If you're still concerned, call your pediatrician and see what they say.  My three month old often goes a few days w/o pooping, but he is just fine.  He eats breastmilk only, so this is completely normal.  

  7. um HELLO she should be going daily.  take her to the doctor now.

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