
3 month old screams squeals chews his hands?

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At first he was just chewing his hands so we thought, hey, he's exploring new body parts. Then the chewing became obsessed and he squeals and screams - but he doesn't full on cry. I thought for sure he was teething but beside being a little young for that milestone (he just turned 3 months), he's not drooling a whole lot, I don't see anything happening in his gums, and he doesn't really calm down when we give him Orajel. He also seems to spit up quite a bit--I'm thinking because the poor guy is gagging himself on his hands. He just seems terribly frustrated and won't settle. I actually thought he might have a hair caught in his throat - you know how annoying that is.

Has anyone else had this experience? What did it turn out to be? I'm concerned, but I don't even know if I should be or why. I just don't like the little guy being so uncomfortable.




  1. chewing on hands is one of the first signs of hunger!

  2. It sounds like the poor thing is hungry!

  3. he could be hungry...yes even if he just ate, especially if he is going through a growth spurt...

  4. He could be hungry, even though he just ate. Or he could have a gas bubble. He daughter is just about 3 months and she started this. I noticed if I pick her up and try and burp her, she usually almost gives one up. hope that helps!

  5. Hi i have a 4 month old and she has started doing the same thing, The chewing of the hand is just a sensory thing new feeling etc she can even fit both fist into her mouth (god know s how lol) and she started this high pitch squeal about a week ago. At first we thought she was distressed but all it turned out to be was she found her voice and things she can do to get our attention. I wouldn't be to concerned at this moment your baby may also be going through a growth spurt. My little one was unsettled for a week and was wingey squirmy and just overall unsettled when i went to baby nurse i told her and we worked out she was going through a growth spurt. If you like you can contact me via email if you have any other concerns.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Take him to your doctors, He could have acid reflux.  My first son spit up a lot, my second...didn't have the spitting up, but was very irratible.  They may have you give him Zantac or Prevacid.  Or it could be that he is still hungry?

  7. It definitely sounds like acid reflux. I would mention this to your doctor, he probably needs medicine.

  8. Well, my son is almost 3 months (on Tues) and he chews his hands, drools, squeals and screams too. I'm guessing that it's just how they are expressing themselves. He also gags himself sometimes with his fist, but I'm not worried yet. He's fussy sometimes still, but that's just his demeanor.

    BTW- mine does have acid reflux so it never hurts to check that out.

  9. I vote for hungry

  10. sounds like he's just teething. and he's not to young to be teething. my son is 4 1/2 months and he started teething around 3 months. he does the same exact things. he chews on his hands all the time. it just feels good to him, dont be worried. any pressure on his little gums feels good, also something cold. my son loves those frozen baby teething rings. just hold it for him in his mouth and he'll chew, chew, chew!! also you can wet a wash cloth with cold water and let him chew on that. i tried the orajel also, he rather chew on stuff, which is fine.  i think the numbing of the orajel kinda freaks them out. and also he'll calm down soon. when my son first started teething he was fussy all day for about 2 weeks. then he gets better. he will still be teething but he wont be as fussy. its just like when we are getting our wisdom teeth in, some days it hurts and you can feel it bugging you all day and then sometimes you dont notice it at all. and teething also causes a fever sometimes to, so dont worry, just give him baby tylenol.

  11. have you talked to your pediatricion thats really odd..have you checked inside your babys mouth for thrush or some other infection??

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