
3 month old sleeping on side?

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My 3 month son has developed a flat head from sleeping and playing on his back so much. The doctor is concerned and told me I have to keep him propped up or on his tummy during the day. She also told me to get an infant sleep positioner and put him to sleep on his side. I am very nervous about this because I know back is the best to reduce the risk of SIDS. Will his head straighten out if I keep him off of it during the day, but still keep him on his back at night? Does anyone know how much side sleeping increases the risk of SIDS?




  1. side sleep is safe for the baby. you wont need to do this for long, just untill the flat spot goes away. Use the side sleep a few times during the day at nap, and at night sleep. He will be fine.

  2. try putting your bay on his side ,because sometimes it keeps him from swallowing his/her feeding when they bring it up back.don't worry he/she will be okay.well i put m baby on his belly to sleep and he sleeps comfortably,that was about 4 days old when his belly button fell off

  3. I would recommend having your child on his tummy for the day.  Infants will die of SIDS no matter what sleeping position they are in.  The cause of death from baby's who die of SIDS is not really known and there is no accuracy when people say that children die of SIDS when they are not laying on their back while sleeping.  My son would roll everywhere around his crib and I even had him in a sleep positioner.  Infants will sleep in a way that is most confortable for them so I would just suggest that you keep him up and off of the back of his head during the day.  My friends daughters both had what we called taco neck which was caused by the girls always having their heads leaning to one side.  Eventually they grew out of it and are healthy.  

  4. doctors usually recommend back or side sleeping. i have put both of my girls on either their back or side while they were real little. now both of them, 2 1/2 years and 11 month, both enjoy sleeping on their side or belly. I wouldn't worry about side sleeping. that and your doctor recommended it, they wouldn't recommend something that could cause sids.  

  5. i don't know to be honest, but my son started sleepin on his side by himself at about 1 soon as he could turn over he started sleepin on his tummy, about 3-4 months i think and he won't stay on his back now at all. even in his sleep if you turn him over he flips right back.hes 10 month now and still sleeps on his tummy.

  6. To start out almost all babies will tend to get the flatness on the back of their heads,  plus their hair will rub off. But, if the doctor recommended him to lay on his side, here's you the ideas I used for my granddaughter.  I rolled up some receiving blankets and placed them in front of her belly and behind her back to support. her. As always I kept a close eye on her anyway no matter how she slept. This is normal. Rotate turning her from side to side.  Sleeping on their belly at this age can be dangerous. But, when they start turning over they usually end up sleeping on their bellies. (at least my children did.)    

  7. SIDS is not completely understood and the recommendations changes on sleep positions.   I have 2 kids ages 14 years and 18 months. With my oldest I was told he should sleep on his side and with my youngest on her back.  However both kids decided to sleep in a different position.  The both preferred their tummies.  I had a sleep positioner with my son and it didn't work, he still found a way on to his tummy.  

  8. i would be more concerned that at 3 months he is still not trying to turn or flip over on you. i have also never heard of a baby getting a flat head from being on his back. i think i would get  a second opinion. i think side sleeping is fine. if he's comfortable he will sleep fine, dont worry about sids, you will drive yourself crazy.

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