
3 month old tosses head from side to side hard while laying down?

by Guest57850  |  earlier

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Is this normal? He'll toss his head around several minutes before going to sleep. Will doing this hurt him?




  1. My 5 months old son will do it too rigt before he falls asleep. I think he's just trying to get comfortable. I never worried about it.

  2. My little girl started doing this when she was in the high chair about 5months, now she does it when she is in a good mood and waves her arms around. It looks like she is getting dizzy when she does it. i agree with you it does look a bit dis concerting but i don't think it's a bad thing, just looks cute but really odd! lol

    Have fun with him! but always if you are worried i don't think your child and maternal health nurse would mind having a chat with you.

    good luck i hope this helps! it helps me when other mums bubs are doing similar things!

  3. No it will not hurt him, my son does that if he has a burp.

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